NAV Navbar

General Information

The guide is intended for partners connecting via the Payment Acceptance Protocol.

You will learn from the guide:

Getting Started

You apply for connection yourself through the website or through an accompanying manager.

Login to your account

After your accompanying manager completes the application and adds a record to your Account, you will receive an email.

Follow the link in the email to confirm your email address.


The link will direct you to the form for setting a password from the Account Profile. Enter your password and click Login to enter your Account Profile.


No confirmation email has been received

  1. Follow the link and click Remind me.


  2. Enter your e-mail and click Continue.


  3. Check your email. You will receive a message with a link to change your password.

Main Page of the Account Profile

Login to the Account Profile is carried out by e-mail and the password that you came up with when confirming the e-mail.

After logging in, you will be taken to the main page of your Account Profile, where four tabs are available:

  1. Services.
  2. Requests.
  3. Users (only for the Administrator role, see the Roles in My Account section for details).
  4. Support.

Click a tab to open the corresponding section.


The tab displays your connected sites and ID.


Click on the name of the service to open the Account Profile of the connected site. For more information, see the Account Profile for the Connected Site section.


The tab displays your requests. Click on the application to get detailed information about its status and a description of your next steps.



On this tab you can configure your employees' access to the Account Profile:

  1. Click the Add user button at the bottom of the list of employees.
  2. Specify an e-mail and select an employee role (Technical specialist, Manager, Administrator). For more information about roles, see the Roles in My Account section.
  3. Put an optional description into Comment field.
  4. Click the Create button.


The new user will receive an email with a link to confirm and login to the Account Profile.


To ask a question to our support team, fill out the form on the tab and click the Submit button.


Account Profile of the Connected Site

The main page of the selected site of your Account Profile has four tabs:


The Transactions tab displays a list of transactions for your services.


Use the page buttons at the bottom of the list to get access to transactions history.

Click on a row in the table to view the details of a particular transaction in a pop-up window.


Click Show more to see more information about the transaction (card type, customer data).

You can also:

  1. Select the attribute you want to search for transactions by in the field next to the search string:
    • Transaction ID — exact match.
    • Invoice ID — exact match.
    • Card Number — in a free format, but either the first few digits or the * character and the last digits are required. For example:
      • 411111*1111
      • 411111
      • *1111
    • Authorization Code — exact match.
    • Customer Name — exact match.
    • Email — exact match
    • Phone — exact match.
    • Custom fields — exact match.
  2. Specify the value of the selected attribute in the search bar and the system will automatically load the list of found transactions.


Selecting transactions with filters

You can filter the list of transactions by specified criteria:

  1. Click the filter b Filter icon and select transaction parameters. Specify data or select from the drop-down list. Available filters for selection:
    • Date — Transaction period. You can use predefined values: Today, Yesterday, Week, Month.
    • Amount from — The minimum transaction amount.
    • Amount to — The maximum transaction amount.
    • Type — Transaction type (Payments, Refunds).
    • Status — Transaction status. Possible transaction statuses:
      • Successful — the payment was successful.
      • New - transactions for which there was no completed payment attempt (for example, the user did not go to 3-D Secure, or left the 3-D Secure page).
      • Declined - payment that was rejected (the reason for the rejection is displayed when viewing the transaction).
    • Merchant site name — The service for which the transaction was made.
  2. Press the Search button. The list will display all transactions matching the selected filters.


Transaction display template

You can create your own transaction list columns template:

  1. Click template b Template button.
  2. Click Create New button in the popup window.


  3. Select the fields to display. To adjust the order of the columns in the transaction list, drag the fields.


  4. Click Save button.

To use the created template, click template b Template button and select a template.


The transaction list view will change according to the template.


Refund transactions

  1. On Transactions tab click the transaction to be refunded.
  2. In the window that opens, click Refund.

  3. Fill in the fields Refund reason, Amount.


  4. Click Refund.
  5. Check the data and close the window.



The Documents tab contains two sub-tabs — Registers and Acts. Section Acts is under development.


The register in the Account Profile contains a list of all transactions, including unsuccessful ones (with a description of the error code) and unconfirmed ones (holding).

On Registries tab, you can set up distribution of registries by e-mail:

  1. Click New mailing list.
  2. Specify an e-mail to send registries. You can add multiple addresses.
  3. Click Save button.


The Settings tab displays a list of sites for the selected service and issued API tokens for each site. On the tab you can:


Create token

On Settings tab, you can create tokens required for the protocol integration. Token is a character string that is used:

When a token reissue may be needed:

To issue a token:

  1. Click the required website on the tab.
  2. Fill in the Comment for the token field in the pop-up window.
  3. Click Save button.


  4. Click the Copy to clipboard link to copy the token. Keep it out of the reach of third parties.


Public Key

To get the public key:

  1. Click the required website on the tab.
  2. Find the Public key field in the pop-up window.
  3. Click Copy to clipboard to copy and save the key.

Notification key

Secret is server notification key. You can set the URL of the server to process notifications or reissue the key.

  1. Click the required website on the tab.


  2. To reissue a key, click the Reissue link.
  3. To set the server URL for processing notifications, enter it in the URL for server notifications field and click the Save button.

Invoicing via Telegram

Immediately after creating an API token, the link Use for invoicing via telegram is available in the window with the list of tokens and site keys.

Clicking on the link will open a chat with the payment bot in the Telegram app. Start the dialogue with the /start command:


After that, you can issue invoices to buyers through the Telegram bot.

If you already have tokens and you do not want to issue a new one, then click the Create invoice button in the window with the list of tokens.


A chat with the payment bot in the Telegram app will open. Start the conversation with /start and copy any previously saved and valid token to the chat:


After confirmation, you can issue invoices to buyers through this Telegram bot.

QR codes for payment

To get paid by your customers both online and offline, you can generate a QR Code for the site's Payment form. Click the qr b icon near Public key line in the pop-up window with the settings for your site.


Print or download the generated code for providing your customers.


When scanning the QR Code, your customer will follow the link to the Payment form of the site. The customer indicates the purchase amount on the page.


In the Invoices tab, manual invoicing of customers (without integration) and viewing of invoices previously issued in this section are available.


  1. Click the New invoice button.
  2. Select the site and fill in the required fields.


  3. Click the Create button.
  4. The information about new invoice will be displayed.

    invoice created

The Payment form URL field displays a link to pay the invoice. Copy it and give it to the customer. Using this link, the customer will open a payment form where they can pay for the purchase.

Invoice list

The Invoices tab contains all invoices issued through the site.


To view an invoice, click on the corresponding item in the list. The pop-up window displays account information:

Invoice statuses

An invoice can have one of four statuses:

Roles in the Account Profile

Roles in the Account Profile differ:


Type of access List of available objects / actions
Sections on the start page Services, Applications, Users, Support
Home Page Actions View connected services
View abandoned requests
Add new users
Ask questions
Actions on the Services tab View transactions
Make a refund
Issue an invoice
View the list of invoices
Configure the distribution of Registries
Create a token


Type of access List of available objects / actions
Sections on the start page Services, Applications, Support
Home Page Actions View connected services
View abandoned requests
Ask questions
Actions on the tab Services View Transactions
Make a Refund
View the list of invoices
Configure Registry Distribution
Create a token


Type of access List of available objects / actions
Sections on the start page Services, Support
Home Page Actions View connected services
Ask questions
Actions on the Services tab Viewing transactions
Making a refund
Viewing the list of invoices
Setting up the mailing of Registries
Creating a token

Recovering the password from the Account Profile

  1. Open the link and click Remind me.


  2. Enter your e-mail and click Continue.


  3. Check your email. You will receive a message with a link to change your password.