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General Information

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QIWI Wallet API makes it easy to automate getting info on your account's state in QIWI Wallet service and making financial operations.

API uses HTTPS requests and JSON-formatted responses.

API methods are accessible after the user is registered in QIWI Wallet service.

Service data

Token issue to authorize API requests has been stopped. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Parameter Description Type
token Token to authorize API requests. Token is valid within one month after its issuing. String

API Access

OAuth token issue has been stopped. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Main URL address to call API methods (unless explicitly stated):


To make a successful request of API methods, you need:


OAuth token issue for authorization has been stopped. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Authorization data

QIWI Wallet API implements OAuth 2.0 open authorization protocol specification. A user registers or authenticates on https://qiwi.com QIWI Wallet site and requests a token with a certain scopes. Token issue is confirmed by SMS code.

Authorization example

curl "server address" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer jMyN22DQxMjM6NDUzRmRnZDQ0Mw11212e"


Authorization: Bearer U1QtOTkwMTAyLWNud3FpdWhmbzg3M

User's Profile API

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The API returns information about your profile - a set of user data and settings of your QIWI Wallet.

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/person-profile/v1/profile/current?authInfoEnabled=false" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /person-profile/v1/profile/current HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# User profile
def get_profile(api_access_token):
    s7 = requests.Session()
    s7.headers['Accept']= 'application/json'
    s7.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    p = s7.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/person-profile/v1/profile/current?authInfoEnabled=true&contractInfoEnabled=true&userInfoEnabled=true')
    return p.json()
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# Full info
profile = get_profile(api_access_token)

# Blocking status

# Identification level

# Linked email
Name Type Description
authInfoEnabled Boolean Flag to get authorization settings.
By default, true
contractInfoEnabled Boolean Flag to get your QIWI wallet data.
By default, true
userInfoEnabled Boolean Flag to get other user data.
By default, true

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "authInfo": {
    "boundEmail": "m@ya.ru",
    "ip": "",
    "lastLoginDate": "2017-07-27T06:51:06.099Z",
    "mobilePinInfo": {
      "lastMobilePinChange": "2017-07-13T11:22:06.099Z",
      "mobilePinUsed": true,
      "nextMobilePinChange": "2017-11-27T06:51:06.099Z"
    "passInfo": {
      "lastPassChange": "2017-07-21T09:25:06.099Z",
      "nextPassChange": "2017-08-21T09:25:06.099Z",
      "passwordUsed": true
    "personId": 79683851815,
    "pinInfo": {
      "pinUsed": true
    "registrationDate": "2017-01-07T16:51:06.100Z"
  "contractInfo": {
    "blocked": false,
    "contractId": 79683851815,
    "creationDate": "2017-01-07T16:51:06.100Z",
    "features": [
    "identificationInfo": [
        "bankAlias": "QIWI",
        "identificationLevel": "SIMPLE",
        "passportExpired": false
  "userInfo": {
    "defaultPayCurrency": 643,
    "defaultPaySource": 7,
    "email": null,
    "firstTxnId": 10807097143,
    "language": "string",
    "operator": "Beeline",
    "phoneHash": "lgsco87234f0287",
    "promoEnabled": null

Successful JSON-response has the following fields:

Field Type Description
authInfo Object Current authorization settings. The object may be missing, depending on the authInfoEnabled parameter in the request.
authInfo.personId Number Wallet number
authInfo.registrationDate String QIWI Wallet date/registration time (via website/mobile app, or otherwise)
authInfo.boundEmail String E-mail linked to your QIWI wallet. If not, null
authInfo.ip String IP address of the last user session
authInfo.lastLoginDate String The date/time of the last session in QIWI Wallet service
authInfo.mobilePinInfo Object PIN data of the mobile app
mobilePinInfo.mobilePinUsed Boolean Flag of using a PIN-code (actually means that the mobile app is being used)
mobilePinInfo.lastMobilePinChange String The date/time of the last time of the PIN change in the mobile app
mobilePinInfo.nextMobilePinChange String The date/time of the next (planned) change of the PIN in the mobile app
authInfo.passInfo Object Password usage data on the qiwi.com site
passInfo.passwordUsed Boolean Flag of using password (actually means using the site qiwi.com)
passInfo.lastPassChange String The date/time of the last password change on qiwi.com
passInfo.nextPassChange String The date/time of the next (planned) password change on qiwi.com
authInfo.pinInfo Object PIN usage data to the wallet app on the self-service kiosks
pinInfo.pinUsed Boolean Flag of using a PIN for the terminal (actually means using the wallet app on the self-service kiosk)
contractInfo Object Information about the wallet. The object may be missing, depending on the contractInfoEnabled parameter in the request.
contractInfo.blocked Boolean Flag of wallet block
contractInfo.contractId Number Wallet number
contractInfo.creationDate String The date/time to create a wallet (via website/mobile app, either at first topup or otherwise)
contractInfo.features Array[Object] Service info
contractInfo.identificationInfo Array[Object] User's identification data
identificationInfo[].bankAlias String String's acronym of the system, in which the user has received the identification::
QIWI - QIWI Wallet.
identificationInfo[].identificationLevel String Current level of the wallet identification. Possible values:
ANONYMOUS - no identification;
SIMPLE, VERIFIED - simplified identification;
FULL - full identification.
identificationInfo[].passportExpired Boolean Validity of passport data of the wallet' owner (true means that the passport data is invalid).
userInfo Object Other user data. The object may be missing, depending on the userInfoEnabled parameter in the request.
userInfo.defaultPayCurrency Number(3) Default wallet balance currency code (ISO-4217)
userInfo.defaultPaySource Number Service info
userInfo.email String User's e-mail
userInfo.firstTxnId Number Identifier of the first transaction after registration
userInfo.language String Service info
userInfo.operator String Name of the mobile operator of the user's number
userInfo.phoneHash String Service info
userInfo.promoEnabled String Service info

Identification API

Use methods of this API to identify and check identification status of your wallet in QIWI Wallet service. You need identification to get access to increased limits for balances and transactions.

Identification details (in Russian)

User identification

This request allows you to start the identification of your QIWI Wallet.

To obtain Main wallet status, you must provide the following data about the owner of the wallet:

To identify your wallet, you must send your name, series/passport number and date of birth. If the data has been verified, the answer will show your TIN and simplified wallet identification will be established. If the data has not been verified, the wallet remains in the status of "No Identification."

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/identification/v1/persons/79111234567/identification" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
  "birthDate": "1998-02-11",
  "firstName": "Иван",
  "inn": "",
  "lastName": "Иванов",
  "middleName": "Иванович",
  "oms": "",
  "passport": "4400111222",
  "snils": ""
POST /identification/v1/persons/79111234567/identification HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Content-type: application/json
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "birthDate": "1998-02-11",
  "firstName": "Иван",
  "inn": "",
  "lastName": "Иванов",
  "middleName": "Иванович",
  "oms": "",
  "passport": "4400111222",
  "snils": ""
import requests

def get_identification(api_access_token, my_login):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    res = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/identification/v1/persons/'+my_login+'/identification')
    return res.json()
Name Type Description
birthDate String Date of birth (in "YYYY-MM-DD" format)
firstName String User's first name
middleName String User's surname
lastName String User's last name
passport String Series / Passport No. (only digits)
inn String User's TIN
snils String User's SNILS
oms String User's medical insurance number (OMS)

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "birthDate": "1996-03-18",
  "firstName": "Иван",
  "id": 79111234567,
  "inn": "7710000001",
  "lastName": "Иванов",
  "middleName": "Иванович",
  "oms": "",
  "passport": "1122333000",
  "snils": "",
  "type": "VERIFIED"
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'
print(get_identification(api_access_token, mylogin))

{'birthDate': '1984-01-09',
 'firstName': 'Иванов',
 'id': 79262111317,
 'inn': 'xxxxxxx',
 'lastName': 'Иванов',
 'middleName': 'Иванович',
 'oms': None,
 'passport': 'xxxx xxxxxx',
 'snils': None,
 'type': 'FULL'}

Successful JSON response confirms wallet identification data:

Response field Type Description
id Number User's QIWI wallet number
type String Current identification level of the wallet:
SIMPLE - no identification, wallet status "MINIMAL".
VERIFIED - wallet status "MAIN" (identification data has been successfully verified).
FULL – the wallet already got "FULL" status by the provided personally verified name, passport and date of birth.
birthDate String Date of birth
firstName String User's first name
middleName String User's surname
lastName String User's last name
passport String Series / Passport No. (only digits)
inn String User's TIN. If the parameter is returned but not present in the original request, then the wallet identification is established
snils String User's SNILS
oms String User's medical insurance number (OMS)

Identification data

Gets masked private data and identification status of your QIWI Wallet.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/identification/v1/persons/79111234567/identification" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /identification/v1/persons/79111234567/identification HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "birthDate": "1996-03-18",
  "firstName": "Иван",
  "id": 79111234567,
  "inn": "77***01",
  "lastName": "Иванов",
  "middleName": "Иванович",
  "oms": "",
  "passport": "43***11",
  "snils": "",
  "type": "VERIFIED"

Successful JSON response contains masked data used for the wallet identification:

Response field Type Description
id Number User's QIWI wallet number
type String Current identification level of the wallet:
SIMPLE - no identification, status "MINIMAL".
VERIFIED - status "MAIN" (identification data has been successfully verified).
FULL – "FULL" status, the wallet already got full identification by the provided name, passport and date of birth.
birthDate String Date of birth
firstName String User's first name
middleName String User's surname
lastName String User's last name
passport String Series / Passport No. (first and last two digits)
inn String User's TIN (first and last two digits)
snils String User's SNILS (first and last two digits)
oms String User's medical insurance number (OMS) (first and last two digits)

QIWI Wallet Limits API

Limit levels

By using this API, you can get current limits for operations in your QIWI wallet. Limits apply on accessible amount of the operations.

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/qw-limits/v1/persons/79115221133/actual-limits?types%5B0%5D=TURNOVER" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /qw-limits/v1/persons/79115221133/actual-limits?types%5B0%5D=TURNOVER HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

def limits(login, api_access_token):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['Accept']= 'application/json'
    s.headers['Content-Type']= 'application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    parameters = {}
    for i, type in enumerate(types):
        parameters['types[' + str(i) + ']'] = type
    b = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/qw-limits/v1/persons/' + login + '/actual-limits', params = parameters)
    return b.json()
Name Type Description
types Array[String] A list of the types of operations that limits are requested for. Each type is numbered by an array element, starting from zero (types[0], types[1], etc.). Acceptable types of transactions:
REFILL - balance in the account
TURNOVER - turnover per month
PAYMENTS_P2P - transfers to other wallets per month
PAYMENTS_PROVIDER_INTERNATIONALS - payments to foreign companies per month
PAYMENTS_PROVIDER_PAYOUT - transfers to bank accounts and cards, wallets of other systems
WITHDRAW_CASH - cash withdrawals per month.
At least one type of operation must be specified.

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

      "RU" :[
            "type": "TURNOVER",
            "currency": "RUB",
            "rest": 200.00,
            "max": 40000.00,
            "spent": 39800.00,
            "interval": {
                "dateFrom": "2019-11-01T:00:00",
                "dateTill": "2019-12-01T00:00"
# wallet number like 79992223344
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# list of all limits
limits = limits(mylogin,api_access_token)['limits']['RU']

# turnover limit
turnoverInfo = [x for x in limits if x['type'] == 'TURNOVER']
turnoverLimit = turnoverInfo[0]['rest']

Successful JSON response contains an array of limits for your QIWI wallet operations:

Response field Type Description
limits Object Limits data
limits[].'RU' Array[Object] An array of limits for operations
type String Operation type where the limit is applied
currency String Currency of the operation
max String Value of the limit
spent String Amount already spent in the operations
rest Boolean The rest of the limit which can be used in the given period (see interval field)
interval Object Details of the limit's period
interval.dateFrom, interval.dateTill String Period's start and end, as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SStmz string

Person-to-person transaction limit

The API returns the value of the person-to-person transaction number for the current month.

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/qw-limits/v1/persons/79999999999/p2p-payment-count-limit" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization:  Bearer <API token>"
GET /qw-limits/v1/persons/79999999999/p2p-payment-count-limit HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# Number of person-to-person transactions
def get_p2p_payment_count(login, api_access_token):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['Accept']= 'application/json'
    s.headers['Content-Type']= 'application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    b = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/qw-limits/v1/persons/' + login + '/p2p-payment-count-limit')
    return b.json()

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "p2pPaymentCountLimit": 1
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# P2p payment count for the current month
print(get_p2p_payment_count(api_access_token, mylogin))

{'p2pPaymentCountLimit': 1}

Successful JSON response contains an information of your person-to-person transactions:

Response field Type Description
p2pPaymentCountLimit Number Person-to-person transaction count per month

Payments History API

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The API gives access to the history of transactions in your QIWI wallet.

List of payments

Provides a list of payments and top-ups of your wallet. You can use the filter by number, ID and date (date interval) of transactions.

Interactive API

Request → GET

Example 1. Last 10 payments

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments?rows=10" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"

Example 2. Payments for 10.05.2017

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments?rows=50&startDate=2017-05-10T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&endDate=2017-05-10T23%3A59%3A59%2B03%3A00" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"

Example 3. Continuing payments list (parameters nextTxnId=9103121 and nextTxnDate=2017-05-11T12:35:23+03:00 returned in the previous history request)

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments?rows=50&nextTxnId=9103121&nextTxnDate=2017-05-11T12%3A35%3A23%2B03%3A00" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"

Example 4. Last 10 payments from the ruble account and from the linked card

GET /payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments?rows=10&operation=OUT&sources%5B0%5D=QW_RUB&sources%5B1%5D=CARD HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

Example 5. Payments for 10.05.2017 from the ruble account

GET /payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments?rows=50&sources%5B0%5D=QW_RUB&startDate=2017-05-10T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&endDate=2017-05-10T23%3A59%3A59%2B03%3A00 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

Example 6. Continuing payments list for 10.05.2017 (see Example 2, parameters nextTxnId=9103121 и nextTxnDate=2017-05-11T12:35:23+03:00 returned)

GET /payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments?rows=50&nextTxnId=9103121&nextTxnDate=2017-05-11T12%3A35%3A23%2B03%3A00 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# Payments history - the most recent and next n payments
def payment_history_last(my_login, api_access_token, rows_num, next_TxnId, next_TxnDate):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token  
    parameters = {'rows': rows_num, 'nextTxnId': next_TxnId, 'nextTxnDate': next_TxnDate}
    h = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v2/persons/' + my_login + '/payments', params = parameters)
    return h.json()
Name Type Description
rows Integer The number of payments in response to break down the report into chunks. It must be from 1 to 50. The request returns a specified number of payments in reverse chronological order, starting from the current date or date in the startDate option. Required
operation String The type of operations in the report, for selection. Acceptable values:
ALL - all transactions,
IN - only top-ups,
OUT - only payments,
QIWI_CARD - only payments from QIWI cards (QVC, QVP).
By default, ALL is used
sources Array[String] A list of payment sources for the filter. Each source is numbered from scratch (sources[0], sources[1] etc). Acceptable values:
QW_RUB - ruble account of your QIWI wallet,
QW_USD - USD account of your QIWI wallet,
QW_EUR - euro account of your QIWI wallet,
CARD - cards linked to the wallet and other credit cards,
MK - the corresponding account on the mobile operator. If not specified, all sources are considering
startDate DateTime URL-encoded The initial date for the search for payments. It is only used with endDate. The maximum allowable interval between startDate and endDate is 90 calendar days. By default, equal to the daily shift from the current date to Moscow time. The date can be specified in any time zone TZD (in YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ssTZD format), but it must coincide with the time zone in the endDate parameter. Timezone designation: +hh:mm or -hh:mm (time shift from GMT).
endDate DateTime URL-encoded The final date for the search for payments. It is only used with startDate. The maximum allowable interval between startDate and endDate is 90 calendar days. By default, equal to current date/time in Moscow time. The date can be specified in any time zone TZD (in YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ssTZD format), but it must coincide with the time zone in the startDate parameter. Timezone designation: +hh:mm or -hh:mm (time shift from GMT).
nextTxnDate DateTime URL-encoded The transaction date to start the report (should be equal to nextTxnDate in the previous report). Used only with nextTxnId
nextTxnId Long The transaction number to start the report (should be equal to nextTxnId in the previous report). Used only with nextTxnDate

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "source": {},
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# last 20 payments
lastPayments = payment_history_last(mylogin, api_access_token, '5','','')

# date and time of the next payment (to use in the next request)
nextTxnDate = lastPayments['nextTxnDate']

# transaction id of the next payment (to use in the next request)
nextTxnId = lastPayments['nextTxnId']

# the most recent and next n payments
orderedPayments = payment_history_last(mylogin, api_access_token, '5', nextTxnId, nextTxnDate)

Successful JSON-response contains a list of payments corresponding to the request's filter:

Field Type Description
data Array[Object] A list of PaymentHistoryItem objects.
Number of objects in the list is less than or equals to rows value from the request
nextTxnId Number(Integer) Next transaction ID, in the complete list of your transactions
nextTxnDate DateTime Next transaction date/time, in the complete list of your transactions, Moscow time (in YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss+03:00)


Provides aggregate statistics on the amount of payments for a given period.

Interactive API

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments/total?startDate=2017-03-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&endDate=2017-03-31T11%3A44%3A15%2B03%3A00" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-history/v2/persons/<wallet>/payments/total?startDate=2017-03-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&endDate=2017-03-31T11%3A44%3A15%2B03%3A00 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# Sum of payments for a range of dates
def payment_history_summ_dates(my_login, api_access_token, start_Date, end_Date):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    parameters = {'startDate': start_Date,'endDate': end_Date}
    h = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v2/persons/' + my_login + '/payments/total', params = parameters)
    return h.json()
Name Type Description
startDate DateTime URL-encoded Start date of the period, in any time zone TZD (date format YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ssTZD). Time zone must coincide with endDate time zone. Designation TZD: +hh:mm or -hh:mm (time shift from GMT). Required
endDate DateTime URL-encoded Final date of th period, in any time zone TZD (date format YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ssTZD). Time zone must coincide with startDate time zone. Designation TZD: +hh:mm or -hh:mm (time shift from GMT). Required
operation String Operations to take into account when accumulating statistics. Possible values:
ALL - all operations,
IN - only top-ups,
OUT - only payments,
QIWI_CARD - only payments from QIWI cards (QVC, QVP).
Default value is ALL.
sources Array[String] Payment sources to filter data. Each source is enumerated starting from zero (sources[0], sources[1] and so on). Possible values of each source:
QW_RUB - ruble QIWI Wallet account,
QW_USD - USD QIWI Wallet account,
QW_EUR - euro QIWI Wallet account,
CARD - credit cards, both linked to QIWI Wallet and others,
MK - mobile operator account. If not specified, all sources are collected.

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# Payments amount from April 12 till July 11
print(payment_history_summ_dates(mylogin, api_access_token, '2019-04-12T00:00:00Z','2019-07-11T23:59:59Z'))

{'incomingTotal': [{'amount': 3.33, 'currency': 840},
  {'amount': 3481, 'currency': 643}],
 'outgoingTotal': [{'amount': 3989.98, 'currency': 643},
  {'amount': 3.33, 'currency': 840}]}

Successful JSON-response contains statistics data for a specified period:

Field Type Description
incomingTotal Array[Object] Array of total amounts of incoming payments (top-up payments) separated by payment's currency
incomingTotal[].amount Number(Decimal) Top-ups amount for the period
incomingTotal[].currency Number(3) Currency of the operations (ISO-4217)
outgoingTotal Array[Object] Array of total amounts of payments separated by payment's currency
outgoingTotal[].amount Number(Decimal) Payments amount for the period
outgoingTotal[].currency Number(3) Currency of the operations (ISO-4217)

Transaction details

Returns details on a specific transaction from your payments history.

Interactive API

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v2/transactions/9112223344" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-history/v2/transactions/9112223344 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YUu2qw048gtdsvlk3iu
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# Transaction details
def payment_history_transaction(api_access_token, transaction_id, transaction_type):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token  
    parameters = {'type': transaction_type} # transaction_type 'IN' 'OUT'
    h = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v1/transactions/'+transaction_id, params = parameters)
    return h.json()

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "txnId": 11233344692,
    "personId": 79161122331,
    "date": "2017-08-30T14:38:09+03:00",
    "errorCode": 0,
    "error": null,
    "status": "WAITING",
    "type": "OUT",
    "statusText": "Запрос обрабатывается",
    "trmTxnId": "11233344691",
    "account": "15040930424823121081",
    "sum": {
        "amount": 1,
        "currency": 643
    "commission": {
        "amount": 0,
        "currency": 643
    "total": {
        "amount": 1,
        "currency": 643
    "provider": {
        "id": 1,
        "shortName": "MTS",
        "longName": "MTS",
        "logoUrl": null,
        "description": null,
        "keys": null,
        "siteUrl": null,
        "extras": []
    "source": {
        "id": 7,
        "shortName": "QIWI Wallet",
        "longName": "QIWI Wallet",
        "logoUrl": null,
        "description": null,
        "keys": "мобильный кошелек, кошелек, перевести деньги, личный кабинет, отправить деньги, перевод между пользователями",
        "siteUrl": null,
        "extras": []
    "comment": "",
    "currencyRate": 1,
    "paymentExtras": [],
    "serviceExtras": {},
    "view": {},
    "features": {
      "chequeReady": false,
      "bankDocumentAvailable": false,
      "bankDocumentReady": false,
      "repeatPaymentEnabled": false,
      "favoritePaymentEnabled": false,
      "regularPaymentEnabled": false
# wallet number like 79992223344
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# Transaction ID 11181101215 details
transactionInfo = payment_history_transaction(api_access_token, '11181101215', 'OUT')

# Transaction number 5 details
lastPayments = payment_history_last(mylogin, api_access_token, '20','','')
last_txn_id = lastPayments['data'][5]['txnId']
last_txn_type = lastPayments['data'][5]['type']

transactionInfo = payment_history_transaction(api_access_token, str(last_txn_id), last_txn_type)

Successful JSON-response contains Transaction object.

Payment receipt

Returns electronic receipt for a certain transaction in PDF/JPEG format, either as binary file or via e-mail to specified address.

Receipt file

Interactive API

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v1/transactions/9112223344/cheque/file?type=IN&format=PDF" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-history/v1/transactions/9112223344/cheque/file?type=IN&format=PDF HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YUu2qw048gtdsvlk3iu
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# Get receipt text in file
def payment_history_cheque_file(transaction_id, transaction_type, filename, api_access_token):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['Accept'] ='application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    parameters = {'type': transaction_type,'format': 'PDF'}
    h = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v1/transactions/'+transaction_id+'/cheque/file', params=parameters)
    with open(filename + '.pdf', 'wb') as f:

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Successful JSON-response contains binary file.

Receipt sending

Interactive API

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v1/transactions/9112223344/cheque/send?type=IN" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{"email": "my@example.com"}'
POST /payment-history/v1/transactions/9112223344/cheque/send?type=IN HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YUu2qw048gtdsvlk3iu
Content-type: application/json
Host: edge.qiwi.com

{"email": "my@example.com"}
import requests

# Send receipt to email
def payment_history_cheque_send(transaction_id, transaction_type, email, api_access_token):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['content-type'] ='application/json'
    s.headers['Accept'] ='application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    postjson = {'email':email}
    h = s.post('https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-history/v1/transactions/' + transaction_id + '/cheque/send?type=' + transaction_type, json = postjson)
Name Type Description
email String Email address

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
# wallet number like 79992223344
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

lastPayments = payment_history_last(mylogin, api_access_token, '20','','')
last_txn_id = lastPayments['data'][5]['txnId']
last_txn_type = lastPayments['data'][5]['type']

# Send receipt to email
payment_history_cheque_send(str(last_txn_id), last_txn_type, 'mmd@yandex.ru', api_access_token)

Successful JSON-response contains HTTP result code of file sending operation.

API data models

PaymentHistoryItem class

Object contains information about existing QIWI Wallet payment.

Name Type Description
txnId Integer Transaction ID in QIWI Wallet processing
personId Integer Wallet number
date DateTime For payments history reports - Payment date/time, in the request time zone (see startDate parameter). Date format YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss+03:00
For transaction details - Payment date/time, in Moscow time zone (date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss+03:00)
errorCode Number(Integer) Payment error code
error String Error description
type String Payment type. Possible values:
IN - top-up,
OUT - payment,
QIWI_CARD - payment from QIWI card (QVC, QVP).
status String Payment status. Possible values:
WAITING - payment is processing,
SUCCESS - successful payment,
ERROR - payment error.
statusText String Text description of the status
trmTxnId String Transaction's client ID (assigned on the client device)
account String For payments, recipient's identifier (masked card number, phone number, account number etc.). For top-ups, sender's or terminal's identifier, or top-up agent name
sum Object Payment's amount data.
sum.amount Number(Decimal) amount,
sum.currency Number(3) currency (ISO-4217)
commission Object Payment's commission data
commission.amount Number(Decimal) amount,
commission.currency Number(3) currency (ISO-4217)
total Object Total amount of transaction.
total.amount Number(Decimal) amount, it is sum.amount plus commission.amount,
total.currency Number(3) currency (ISO-4217)
provider Object Provider's data
provider.id Integer Provider ID in QIWI Wallet system,
provider.shortName String Provider's short name,
provider.longName String Provider's extended name,
provider.logoUrl String Provider's logo URL,
provider.description String Provider's description (in HTML),
provider.keys String Provider's keywords list,
provider.siteUrl String Provider's site
comment String Comment to the payment
currencyRate Number(Decimal) Currency exchange rate (if applied to transaction)

Transaction class

Object contains information about existing QIWI Wallet transaction.

Name Type Description
txnId Integer Transaction ID in QIWI Wallet processing
personId Integer Wallet number
date DateTime For payments history reports - Payment date/time, in the request time zone (see startDate parameter). Date format YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss+03:00
For transaction details - Payment date/time, in Moscow time zone (date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss+03:00)
errorCode Number(Integer) Payment error code
error String Error description
type String Payment type. Possible values:
IN - top-up,
OUT - payment,
QIWI_CARD - payment from QIWI card (QVC, QVP).
status String Payment status. Possible values:
WAITING - payment is processing,
SUCCESS - successful payment,
ERROR - payment error.
statusText String Text description of the status
trmTxnId String Transaction's client ID (assigned on the client device)
account String For payments, recipient's identifier (masked card number, phone number, account number etc.). For top-ups, sender's or terminal's identifier, or top-up agent name
sum Object Payment's amount data.
sum.amount Number(Decimal) amount,
sum.currency Number(3) currency (ISO-4217)
commission Object Payment's commission data
commission.amount Number(Decimal) amount,
commission.currency Number(3) currency (ISO-4217)
total Object Total amount of transaction.
total.amount Number(Decimal) amount, it is sum.amount plus commission.amount,
total.currency Number(3) currency (ISO-4217)
provider Object Provider's data
provider.id Integer Provider ID in QIWI Wallet system,
provider.shortName String Provider's short name,
provider.longName String Provider's extended name,
provider.logoUrl String Provider's logo URL,
provider.description String Provider's description (in HTML),
provider.keys String Provider's keywords list,
provider.siteUrl String Provider's site
comment String Comment to the payment
currencyRate Number(Decimal) Currency exchange rate (if applied to transaction)
paymentExtras Array of Object Service information
features Object Set of special fields
features.chequeReady Boolean Special field
features.bankDocumentReady Boolean Special field
features.bankDocumentAvailable Boolean Special field
features.repeatPaymentEnabled Boolean Special field
features.favoritePaymentEnabled Boolean Special field
features.regularPaymentEnabled Boolean Special field
features.chatAvailable Boolean Special field
features.greetingCardAttached Boolean Special field
serviceExtras Object Служебная информация
view Object Служебная информация

Wallet Balances API

Edit on GitHub

API provides methods to control balances of your QIWI wallet.

List of balances

Provides current balances of your QIWI Wallet.

Interactive API

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet>/accounts" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet>/accounts HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# QIWI Wallet balances
def balance(login, api_access_token):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['Accept']= 'application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token  
    b = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/funding-sources/v2/persons/' + login + '/accounts')
    return b.json()

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "accounts": [
            "alias": "mc_beeline_rub",
            "fsAlias": "qb_mc_beeline",
            "bankAlias": "QIWI",
            "title": "MC",
            "type": {
                "id": "MC",
                "title": "Счет мобильного кошелька"
            "hasBalance": false,
            "balance": null,
            "currency": 643
            "alias": "qw_wallet_rub",
            "fsAlias": "qb_wallet",
            "bankAlias": "QIWI",
            "title": "WALLET",
            "type": {
                "id": "WALLET",
                "title": "QIWI Wallet"
            "hasBalance": true,
            "balance": {
                "amount": 8.74,
                "currency": 643
            "currency": 643
# wallet number as 79992223344
mylogin = '79999999999'
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# All balances
balances = balance(mylogin,api_access_token)['accounts']

# Ruble account balance
rubAlias = [x for x in balances if x['alias'] == 'qw_wallet_rub']
rubBalance = rubAlias[0]['balance']['amount']

Repeated request when you got empty "balance" object and "hasBalance": true in response

GET /funding-sources/v2/persons/79115221133/accounts?timeout=1000&alias=qw_wallet_rub HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YUu2qw048gtdsvlk3iu
Host: edge.qiwi.com

Successful response is JSON array of all active balances of your QIWI wallet used for payment funding:

Response field Type Description
accounts Array[Object] Array of balances
accounts[].alias String User balance alias
accounts[].fsAlias String Bank account alias
accounts[].bankAlias String Bank alias
accounts[].title String Wallet account name
accounts[].hasBalance Boolean Flag of actual QIWI Wallet balance (not a linked card or cell phone balance or something like that)
accounts[].currency Number(3) Currency of the balance (ISO-4217). Only balances in following currencies are returned: 643 - Russian ruble, 840 - USD, 978 - Euro
accounts[].type Object Account information
type.id, type.title String Account title
accounts[].balance Object Balance data.
If null is returned and accounts[].hasBalance is true, repeat the request with additional parameters:
timeout=1000 and alias="accounts[].alias" (alias of that balance)
balance.amount Number Текущий баланс данного счета
balance.currency Number(3) Код валюты баланса (ISO-4217)

Creating balance

Creates a new account and its balance in your QIWI wallet. List of account types which you can create is provided by other request.

Interactive API

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet/accounts" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{  "alias": "qw_wallet_eur"}'
POST /funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet>/accounts HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Content-type: application/json
Host: edge.qiwi.com

{ "alias": "qw_wallet_eur" }
Name Type Description
alias String Alias of the new account (taken from Available accounts)

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Successful response contains HTTP code 201.

Available accounts

Provides all possible account aliases for your QIWI wallet.

Interactive API

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet>/accounts/offer" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet>/accounts/offer HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{ { "alias": "qw_wallet_eur", "currency": 978 }, {} }

Successful JSON response contains a list of accounts available for creation:

Response field Type Description
{} Object List of accounts
Object.alias String Alias of the account
Object.currency Number(3) Account's currency code (ISO-4217)

Default balance

Sets up default account in your QIWI wallet for funding all payments. The account must be in the list of available accounts

Interactive API

Request → PATCH

curl -X PATCH \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet>/accounts/qw_wallet_usd" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{ "defaultAccount": true }'
PATCH /funding-sources/v2/persons/<wallet>/accounts/qw_wallet_usd HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Content-type: application/json
Host: edge.qiwi.com

{ "defaultAccount": true }
Name Type Description
defaultAccount Boolean Flag of default account

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 204 Modified

Successful response has HTTP code 204.

Payments API

Edit on GitHub

API provides access to payments for service providers available in QIWI Wallet services.

Payment form auto-filling



opens auto-filled payment form on qiwi.com site for the given provider.

If a user opens the link on a smartphone:

Link example (click to see the form)

If you don't want to show your wallet number, use wallet nickname:

Link example for nickname transfer (click to see the form)

To get payments to your QIWI Wallet, you can use also P2P-form.

Request → GET

GET /payment/form/99?account=79991112233&sum=1.1&comment=test123&currency=643 HTTP/1.1
Host: qiwi.com


ID — provider's identifier. Only providers with payment requisites limited to fields.account are accepted. Possible values:

Parameters in URL query to fill the form fields:

Name Type Description Form field
sum Decimal, 10.15 Payment amount (fractional part should be rounded to two digits). If absent, the Amount field on the form will be empty. The number not greater than 99,999.00 (payment amount limit) Amount
currency Constant string, 643 Payment currency code. Required if you send the payment amount in the link -
comment URL-encoded string Payment comment. Use it only for ID=99 Comment to the transfer
account URL-encoded string See format of fields.account parameter of the provider in the corresponding payment request. Examples:
for provider 99 - recipient's wallet number;
for mobile network operators - phone number for top-up (without international prefix);
for card transfer - recipient's card number without spaces;
for other providers - user's identifier;
for provider 99999nickname or number of the wallet (determined by accountType parameter)
Wallet number, Phone number, User ID
blocked Array[String] Name of blocked (inactive) form field. The user will not be able to change this field unless they change it in the browser address bar.. Each parameter corresponds to respective form field and should be numbered starting from zero (blocked[0], blocked[1], and so on). If absent, user can change all form fields. The parameter is applied only if the link is opened in a browser. Possible values:
sum - Payment amount field,
account - Phone number/Account number field,
comment - Comment field.
Example (for payment amount field): blocked[0]=sum
accountType URL-encoded string Use only for ID=99999. The value determines transfer to QIWI wallet by nickname or wallet number.
phone - for transfer to wallet number
nickname - for transfer to wallet nickname. If you don't want to show your wallet number on the form, use this value.

Commission rates

Returns total commission amount for the payment by the given payment requisites.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  'https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/providers/99/onlineCommission' \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
POST /sinap/providers/99/onlineCommission HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

import requests

# Тарифные комиссии
def get_commission(api_access_token, to_account, prv_id, sum_pay):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    postjson = {"account":"","paymentMethod":{"type":"Account","accountId":"643"}, "purchaseTotals":{"total":{"amount":"","currency":"643"}}}
    postjson['account'] = to_account
    postjson['purchaseTotals']['total']['amount'] = sum_pay
    c_online = s.post('https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/providers/'+prv_id+'/onlineCommission',json = postjson)
    return c_online.json()['qwCommission']['amount']


ID — provider's identifier. Possible values:

You can also search for a required identifier through API by keywords.

Required parameters in JSON body:

Name Type Description
account String User's identifier (phone number, card/account number, and other entity depending on provider)
paymentMethod Object Object defining payment processing by QIWI Wallet. Includes the following parameters:
paymentMethod.type String Payment method, Account only
paymentMethod.accountId String QIWI Wallet account identifier, 643 only.
purchaseTotals Object Object with payment requisites
purchaseTotals.total Object Payment amount data:
total.amount Number Amount (rubles and kopeks, divided by .). Positive number, rounded down to 2 decimals. If you send more decimals, value will be rounded down to kopeks.
total.currency String Currency (643 only, that is rubles)

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "providerId": 99,
    "qwCommission": {
        "amount": 10.01,
        "currency": "643"
api_access_token = '975efd8e8376xxxb95fa7cb213xxx04'

# QIWI wallet transfer commission
# Card transfer commission

Commission rate is returned in qwCommission.amount field of the JSON response.

QIWI wallet transfer

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  'https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/99/payments' \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "sum": {
        "paymentMethod": {
        "fields": {
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/99/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

 "sum": {
 "paymentMethod": {
 "fields": {
import requests
import time

# QIWI wallet transfer
def send_p2p(api_access_token, to_qw, comment, sum_p2p):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Android v3.2.0 MKT'
    s.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
    postjson = {"id":"","sum":{"amount":"","currency":""},"paymentMethod":{"type":"Account","accountId":"643"}, "comment":"'+comment+'","fields":{"account":""}}
    postjson['id'] = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
    postjson['sum']['amount'] = sum_p2p
    postjson['sum']['currency'] = '643'
    postjson['fields']['account'] = to_qw
    res = s.post('https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/99/payments',json = postjson)
    return res.json()

Send JSON object Payment in the request's body. Payment requisites in fields object:

Name Type Description
fields.account String Required. Wallet number of the recipient

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": "150217833198900",
    "terms": "99",
    "fields": {
        "account": "79121238345"
    "sum": {
        "amount": 100,
        "currency": "643"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "11155897070",
        "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"
    "source": "account_643",
    "comment": "test"

{'comment': 'comment',
 'fields': {'account': '+79261112233'},
 'id': '1514296828893',
 'source': 'account_643',
 'sum': {'amount': 99.01, 'currency': '643'},
 'terms': '99',
 'transaction': {'id': '11982501857', 'state': {'code': 'Accepted'}}}

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

QIWI wallet nickname

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/qw-nicknames/v1/persons/79111234567/nickname" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /qw-nicknames/v1/persons/79111234567/nickname HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "canChange": true,
  "canUse": true,
  "description": "",
  "nickname": "NICKNAME"

Successful response contains nickname of your wallet in JSON field nickname.


Transfers funds to currency account in QIWI wallet with conversion from your QIWI wallet ruble account. Two transactions are created: conversion between accounts of your QIWI wallet, and transfer to another wallet. You can get currency rates from another API method.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  'https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/1099/payments' \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "sum": {
        "paymentMethod": {
        "fields": {
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/1099/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "sum": {
	"paymentMethod": {
	"fields": {
import requests
import time

# Conversion in QIWI wallet (currency as currency integer code as String)
def exchange(api_access_token, sum_exchange, currency, to_qw):
    s = requests.Session()
    currencies = ['398', '840', '978']
    if currency not in currencies:
      print('This currency not available')
    s.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Android v3.2.0 MKT'
    s.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
    postjson = {"id":"","sum":{"amount":"","currency":""},"paymentMethod":{"type":"Account","accountId":"643"}, "comment":"'+comment+'","fields":{"account":""}}
    postjson['id'] = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
    postjson['sum']['amount'] = sum_exchange
    postjson['sum']['currency'] = currency
    postjson['fields']['account'] = to_qw
    res = s.post('https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/1099/payments',json = postjson)
    return res.json()

Send JSON object Payment in the request's body. Payment requisites in fields object:

Name Type Description
fields.account String Required. Wallet number for the conversion

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": "150217833198900",
    "terms": "99",
    "fields": {
        "account": "79121238345"
    "sum": {
        "amount": 100,
        "currency": "398"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "11155897070",
        "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"
    "source": "account_643",
    "comment": "test"

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

Currency rates

Returns current QIWI Bank currency rates and cross-rates.

Request → GET

curl "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/crossRates" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /sinap/crossRates HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# Currencies rate (currency pair codes in String)
def exchange(api_access_token, currency_to, currency_from):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Android v3.2.0 MKT'
    s.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
    res = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/crossRates')

    # all rates
    rates = res.json()['result']

    # requested rate
    rate = [x for x in rates if x['from'] == currency_from and x['to'] == currency_to]
    if (len(rate) == 0):
        print('No rate for this currencies!')
        return rate[0]['rate']

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": [
            "set": "General",
            "from": "398",
            "to": "643",
            "rate": 6.22665
            "set": "General",
            "from": "398",
            "to": "756",
            "rate": 412.0174305
            "set": "General",
            "from": "980",
            "to": "978",
            "rate": 31.4680914

Successful response contains JSON array of currency rates in result field. An element of the list corresponds to currency pair:

Response field Type Description
from String Base currency
to String Quote currency
rate Number Rate

Mobile network payment

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/1/payments" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "sum": {
        "paymentMethod": {
        "fields": {
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/1/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
import requests
import time

# Cell phone top-up
def send_mobile(api_access_token, prv_id, to_account, comment, sum_pay):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
    s.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    postjson = {"id":"","sum": {"amount":"","currency":"643"},"paymentMethod": {"type":"Account","accountId":"643"},"comment":"","fields": {"account":""}}
    postjson['id'] = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
    postjson['sum']['amount'] = sum_pay
    postjson['fields']['account'] = to_account
    postjson['comment'] = comment
    res = s.post('https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/'+prv_id+'/payments', json = postjson)
    return res.json()

Send JSON object Payment in the request's body. Payment requisites in fields object:

Name Type Description
fields.account String Cell phone number to top-up (without 8 prefix)

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": "21131343",
    "terms": "1",
    "fields": {
          "account": "9161112233"
    "sum": {
         "amount": 1000,
         "currency": "643"
    "source": "account_643",
    "transaction": {
         "id": "4969142201",
         "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

Card money transfer

Transfers money to Visa, MasterCard, or MIR credit cards.

Money transfers to Visa and MasterCard cards issued by foreign banks are suspended due to restrictions from the payment system.

Request → POST

Payment request for domestic card

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/1963/payments" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "fields": {

Payment request for foreign card

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/1960/payments" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "fields": {
          "account": "402865XXXXXXXXXX",
          "rec_address": "Ленинский проспект 131, 56",
          "rec_city": "Москва",
          "rec_country": "Россия",
          "reg_name": "Виктор",
          "reg_name_f": "Петров",
          "rem_name": "Сергей",
          "rem_name_f": "Иванов"
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/1963/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/1960/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
      "account": "402865XXXXXXXXXX",
      "rec_address": "Ленинский проспект 131, 56",
      "rec_city": "Москва",
      "rec_country": "Россия",
      "reg_name": "Виктор",
      "reg_name_f": "Петров",
      "rem_name": "Сергей",
      "rem_name_f": "Иванов"
import requests
import time

# Card money transfer
def send_card(api_access_token, payment_data):
    # payment_data - dictionary with all payment data
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
    s.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    postjson = {"id":"","sum": {"amount":"","currency":"643"},"paymentMethod": {"type":"Account","accountId":"643"},"fields": {"account":""}}
    postjson['id'] = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
    postjson['sum']['amount'] = payment_data.get('sum')
    postjson['fields']['account'] = payment_data.get('to_card')
    prv_id = payment_data.get('prv_id')
    if payment_data.get('prv_id') in ['1960', '21012']:
        postjson['fields']['rem_name'] = payment_data.get('rem_name')
        postjson['fields']['rem_name_f'] = payment_data.get('rem_name_f')
        postjson['fields']['reg_name'] = payment_data.get('reg_name')
        postjson['fields']['reg_name_f'] = payment_data.get('reg_name_f')
        postjson['fields']['rec_city'] = payment_data.get('rec_address')
        postjson['fields']['rec_address'] = payment_data.get('rec_address')

    res = s.post('https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/' + prv_id + '/payments', json = postjson)
    return res.json()


ID — QIWI provider identifier. Possible values:

Send JSON-object Payment in the request' body. Payment requisites in fields object depend on the provider ID.

For ID 1963, 21013, 31652, 22351

Name Type Description
fields.account String Recipient's card number (no spaces)

For ID 1960, 21012

Name Type Description
fields.account String Recipient's card number (no spaces)
fields.rem_name String Sender's first name
fields.rem_name_f String Sender's last name. Required for ID 1960, 21012 only
fields.rec_address String Sender's address (no zip code, only text)
fields.rec_city String Sender's city
fields.rec_country String Sender's country
fields.reg_name String Recipient's first name
fields.reg_name_f String Recipient's last name

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "21131343",
  "terms": "1963",
  "fields": {
          "account": "4256********1231"
    "sum": {
         "amount": 1000,
         "currency": "643"
    "source": "account_643",
    "transaction": {
         "id": "4969142201",
         "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"
payment_data = {'prv_id': '1963', 'to_card' : '41548XXXXXXXX008', 'sum': 100}

jss = send_card(token, payment_data)

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

Bank money transfer

Makes money transfer to personal bank cards/accounts opened in Russian banks.

Transfer to card number

Makes money transfer to cards issued by Russian banks.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/464/payments" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "sum": {
        "paymentMethod": {
        "fields": {
          "account_type": "1",
          "exp_date": "0623"
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/464/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
        "account_type": "1",
        "exp_date": "0623"

Send JSON object Payment in the request's body. Payment requisites in fields object:

Name Type Description
fields.account String Recipient's card number (no spaces)
fields.exp_date String Card expiry date, as MMYY (for example, 0218). Parameter is required for ID 464 and 821.
fields.account_type String Bank identifier type. For each bank specific value applies:
ID 464 - 1
ID 084 - 1
ID 815 - 1
ID 810 - 5
ID 816 - 5
ID 821 - 7
ID 870 - 5
ID 1134 - 5
ID 881 - 1.
fields.mfo String Bank MFO (BIK)
fields.lname String Recipient's last name
fields.fname String Recipient's first name
fields.mname String Recipient's middle name

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "21131343",
  "terms": "464",
  "fields": {
      "account": "4256********1231",
      "account_type": "1",
      "exp_date": "0423"
  "sum": {
      "amount": 1000,
      "currency": "643"
  "source": "account_643",
  "transaction": {
      "id": "4969142201",
      "state": {
        "code": "Accepted"

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

Transfer to bank account

Makes money transfer to personal accounts opened in Russian banks. You can use quick transfer service (within an hour if transaction is made from 9:00 until 19:30).

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/816/payments" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "sum": {
        "paymentMethod": {
        "fields": {
          "account_type": "2",
          "urgent": "0",
          "lname": "Иванов",
          "fname": "Иван",
          "mname": "Иванович",
          "mfo": "046577795",
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/816/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
          "account_type": "2",
          "urgent": "0",
          "lname": "Иванов",
          "fname": "Иван",
          "mname": "Иванович",
          "mfo": "046577795",

Send JSON object Payment in the request's body. Payment requisites in fields object:

Name Type Description
fields.account String Recipient's bank account number
fields.urgent String Quick transfer flag. For 0 - not used; for 1 - make quick transfer by Urgent transfer service of Central Bank of Russia. Extra commission is paid for quick transfer
fields.mfo String Bank MFO (BIK)
fields.account_type String Bank identifier type. For each bank specific value applies:
ID 464 - 2
ID 804 - 2
ID 810 - 2
ID 815 - 2
ID 816 - 2
ID 821 - 9
ID 819 - 2
ID 868 - 2
ID 870 - 2
ID 1134 - 2
ID 27324 -2
ID 810 - 2
ID 816 - 5
ID 821 - 9
ID 881 - 2
ID 313 - 6.
fields.lname String Recipient's last name
fields.fname String Recipient's first name
fields.mname String Recipient's middle name
fileds.agrnum String Bank agreement number - for ID 313

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "21131343",
  "terms": "464",
  "fields": {
          "account": "407121010910909011",
          "account_type": "2"
  "sum": {
         "amount": 1000,
         "currency": "643"
  "source": "account_643",
  "transaction": {
         "id": "4969142201",
         "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

Other services

You can pay for services by user identifier. This request applies for QIWI providers with one user identifier and without requirement of account number online check.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/674/payments" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  -d '{
        "sum": {
        "paymentMethod": {
        "fields": {
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/674/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
import requests
import time

# payment for service provider

def pay_simple_prv(api_access_token, prv_id, to_account, sum_pay):
    s = requests.Session()
    s.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
    s.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
    s.headers['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + api_access_token
    postjson = {"id":"","sum": {"amount":"","currency":"643"},"paymentMethod": {"type":"Account","accountId":"643"},"fields": {"account":""}}
    postjson['id'] = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
    postjson['sum']['amount'] = sum_pay
    postjson['fields']['account'] = to_account
    res = s.post('https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/'+prv_id+'/payments', json = postjson)
    return res.json()

Send JSON object Payment in the request's body. Payment requisites in fields object:

Name Type Description
fields.account String User identifier

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "21131343",
  "terms": "674",
  "fields": {
          "account": "111000"
  "sum": {
         "amount": 100,
         "currency": "643"
  "source": "account_643",
  "transaction": {
         "id": "4969142201",
         "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

Payment by any requisites

Makes payments for commercial services by their bank details.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/sinap/api/v2/terms/1717/payments" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>" \
  --header "User-Agent: ***" \
  -d '{
  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
         "name":"ПАО АКБ \"АВАНГАРД\"",
         "nds":"НДС не облагается",
         "goal":" Оплата товара по заказу №090738231",
         "info":"Коммерческие организации",
         "to_name":"ООО \"Технический Центр ДЕЛЬТА\"",
POST /sinap/api/v2/terms/1717/payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
User-Agent: ****

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
         "name":"ПАО АКБ \"АВАНГАРД\"",
         "nds":"НДС не облагается",
         "goal":" Оплата товара по заказу №090738231",
         "info":"Коммерческие организации",
         "to_name":"ООО \"Технический Центр ДЕЛЬТА\"",

Send JSON object Payment in the request's body. Payment requisites in fields object:

Name Type Description
fields.name String Recipient's bank name (escape quotes with \)
fields.extra_to_bik String Recipient's bank MFO (BIK)
fields.to_bik String Recipient's bank MFO (BIK)
fields.city String Recipient's city of placement
fields.info String Constant, Коммерческие организации (in Russian)
fields.is_commercial String Service info, constant 1
fields.to_name String Recipient's organization name (escape quotes with \)
fields.to_inn String Organization's TIN
fields.to_kpp String Organization's KPP (code for the reason in the tax service regisration)
fields.nds String Value-added tax flag. If you pay for invoice and there is no VAT, then put the string НДС не облагается (in Russian). Otherwise, put the string В т.ч. НДС (in Russian).
fields.goal String Payment appointment
fields.urgent String Urgent payment (0 - no, 1 - yes). Urgent payment is made in 10 minutes or more. It is applicable for weekdays from 9:00 to 20:30, Moscow time zone. Extra fee for the service is 25 rubles.
fields.account String Recipient's account number
fields.from_name String Recipient's first name
fields.from_name_p String Recipient's middle name
fields.from_name_f String Recipient's last name
fields.requestProtocol String Service info, constant qw1
fields.toServiceId String Service info, QIWI provider ID 1717

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "21131343",
  "terms": "1717",
  "fields": {
         "name":"ПАО АКБ \"АВАНГАРД\"",
         "nds":"НДС не облагается",
         "goal":" Оплата товара по заказу №090738231",
         "info":"Коммерческие организации",
         "to_name":"ООО \"Технический Центр ДЕЛЬТА\"",
  "sum": {
         "amount": 1000,
         "currency": "643"
  "source": "account_643",
  "transaction": {
         "id": "10969142201",
         "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"

Successful response contains JSON-object PaymentInfo with accepted payment data.

Performs search of QIWI provider's ID for payment methods by keywords (for example, provider's name).

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/search/v1/search?query=%D0%91%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD+%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82" \
  --header "Accept: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /search/v1/search?query=%D0%91%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD+%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
import requests

# provider id by its name
def qiwi_com_search(search_phrase):
    s = requests.Session()
    search = s.get('https://edge.qiwi.com/search/v1/search', params={'query':search_phrase})
    return search.json()['data']['items']

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "items": [
            "name": "МТС Домашний интернет, ТВ и Телефония РФ",
            "description": "МТС Домашний интернет, ТВ и Телефония РФ",
            "uri": null,
            "data": {
                "id": 23729,
                "logoUrl": "https://static.qiwi.com/img/providers/logoBig/23729_l.png",
                "siteUrl": "http://www.mts.ru/internet/mts_stream/",
                "category": {
                    "name": "Интернет, ТВ, IP-телефония"
                "type": "PROVIDER"
# Provider search: response parsing
prv = qiwi_com_search('Билайн домашний интернет')[0]['data']['id']

Successful JSON-response contains IDs of the found QIWI providers:

Response field Type Description
items Array of objects List of providers
items[].data.id Number Provider's ID in the array's element

API data models

Payment class

  "sum": {
  "paymentMethod": {
  "fields": {
         "name":"ПАО АКБ \"АВАНГАРД\"",
         "nds":"НДС не облагается",
         "goal":" Оплата товара по заказу №090738231",
         "info":"Коммерческие организации",
         "to_name":"ООО \"Технический Центр ДЕЛЬТА\"",

Object describes payment data for QIWI Wallet provider.

Name Type Description  
id String Required. Client transaction ID (max 20 digits). Must be unique for each transaction. Increment with each following transaction. To satisfy these requirements, set it to 1000*(Standard Unix time in seconds). +
sum Object Required. Payment amount data  
sum.amount Number Payment amount value (rubles and kopeks, separator .). Positive number rounded down to 2 decimals. If you specify more decimals, our system will round the number down to the same precision.  
sum.currency String Payment currency (only rubles, 643)  
paymentMethod Object Required. QIWI wallet account to fund the payment  
paymentMethod.type String Constant, Account  
paymentMethod.accountId String Constant, 643  
fields Object Required. Payment requisites. Object fields depend on provider ID.  
comment String Payment comment. Used for QIWI wallet transfer or conversion only  

PaymentInfo class

    "id": "150217833198900",
    "terms": "99",
    "fields": {
        "account": "79121238345"
    "sum": {
        "amount": 100,
        "currency": "643"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "11155897070",
        "state": {
            "code": "Accepted"
    "source": "account_643",
    "comment": "My comment"

Object describes QIWI wallet transaction data and returns in response from Payment API.

Name Type Description
id Number id parameter from the original request
terms String QIWI provider ID used for the payment
fields Object fields object from the original request. Card number returns in masked form
sum Object sum object from the original request
source String Always constant, account_643
comment String comment parameter from the original request (if exists in the request)
transaction Object Object with QIWI transaction data
transaction.id String QIWI transaction ID
transaction.state Object Current state of the transaction
state.code String Current status of the transaction. Only Accepted is returned (it means that the payment is accepted for processing). Actual transaction status can be obtained from Payments history API.


Invoice is the universal request for payment or money transfer from user's QIWI wallet.

API provides operations of invoice creation (only P2P invoices for money transfer to another QIWI wallet), payment, rejection, and also method for requesting list of unpaid invoices issued to your QIWI wallet.

Invoice creation and P2P token

You can issue invoices to any QIWI wallet by using P2P invoices API. Use special P2P token for authorization in P2P invoices API.

How to get P2P token

P2P token issue has been stopped. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Authorize on p2p.qiwi.com, or use the given request. You may also specify Invoice payment callbacks URL in this request.

The method returns P2P tokens in JSON format:

Use QIWI Wallet API token for authorization.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  https://edge.qiwi.com/widgets-api/api/p2p/protected/keys/create \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{"keysPairName":"Name","serverNotificationsUrl":"https://test.com"}'
POST /widgets-api/api/p2p/protected/keys/create HTTP/1.1
Host: edge.qiwi.com
Authorization: Bearer 3b7beb2044c4dd4a8f4588d4a6b6c93f
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: ****

{"keysPairName":"Name", "serverNotificationsUrl":"https://test.com"}

Send parameters in JSON-body:

Name Type Description
keysPairName String Name for the couple of P2P tokens
serverNotificationsUrl String Invoice payment callbacks URL (optional)

List of invoices

Returns only unpaid invoices issued to your wallet. Invoices are placed in the list in reverse chronological order.

By default, the list is paginated on 50 elements on each page. You can specify the number of elements on each page. You may use filters: invoice creation period of dates and starting invoice ID.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <a href="#auth_data">QIWI Wallet API token</a>' \
GET /checkout-api/api/bill/search?statuses=READY_FOR_PAY&rows=50 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <a href="#auth_data">QIWI Wallet API token</a>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
User-Agent: ****

Send parameters in the request query URL:

Name Type Description
statuses String Unpaid invoice status. Only READY_FOR_PAY. Required parameter.
rows Integer Maximum number of invoices to be returned, for list pagination. Integer number from 1 to 50. Default value is 50.
min_creation_datetime Long Lower time limit for invoice search, Unix-time
max_creation_datetime Long Greater time limit for invoice search, Unix-time
next_id Number Starting invoice identifier for invoice search. Only invoices with IDs equal or smaller than this ID are returned. Use it for obtaining next invoices in the paginated list.
next_creation_datetime Long Starting date for invoice search, Unix-time. Only invoices created before this date are returned. Use it for obtaining next invoices in the paginated list.

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "bills": [
      "id": 1063702405,
      "external_id": "154140605",
      "creation_datetime": 1523025585000,
      "expiration_datetime": 1523026003808,
      "sum": {
        "currency": 643,
        "amount": 100
      "status": "READY_FOR_PAY",
      "type": "MERCHANT",
      "repetitive": false,
      "provider": {
        "id": 480706,
        "short_name": "Интернет-магазин цветов",
        "long_name": "ООО «Цветы»",
      "comment": "Пополнение счета 13515573",

Successful JSON response includes a list of unpaid invoices according to the conditions of the request:

Response field Type Description
bills Array[Object] List of invoices.
List length is rows parameter from the original request, or 50, if it is absent
bills[].id Integer QIWI Wallet invoice ID
bills[].external_id String Merchant's invoice ID
bills[].creation_datetime Long Date/time of the invoice creation, Unix-time
bills[].expiration_datetime Long Date/time of the invoice expiration, Unix-time
bills[].sum Object Invoice amount data
sum.currency Integer Invoice currency
sum.amount Number Invoice amount
bills[].status String Constant, READY_FOR_PAY
bills[].type String Constant, MERCHANT
bills[].repetitive Boolean Service data
bills[].provider Object Merchant information
provider.id Integer QIWI identifier
provider.short_name String Short name
provider.long_name String Full name
provider.logo_url String Logo URL
bills[].comment String Invoice comment
bills[].pay_url String URL to pay for the invoice on QIWI Payment Form

Invoice payment

Makes invoice payment immediately without SMS confirmation.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  'https://edge.qiwi.com/checkout-api/invoice/pay/wallet' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <a href="#auth_data">QIWI Wallet API token</a>' \
  -d '{
        "invoice_uid": "1063702405",
        "currency": "643"
POST /checkout-api/invoice/pay/wallet HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <a href="#auth_data">QIWI Wallet API token</a>
Host: edge.qiwi.com
User-Agent: ****

   "invoice_uid": "1063702405",
   "currency": "643"

Required parameters in JSON body:

Name Type Description
invoice_uid String QIWI invoice ID, taken from bills[].id field of invoice data
currency String Invoice currency, taken from bills[].sum.currency field of invoice data)

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "invoice_status": "PAID_STATUS",
  "is_sms_confirm": false,

Successful response contains JSON with paid invoice status:

Field Type Description
invoice_status String Invoice payment status, PAID_STATUS. Any other status means unsuccessful transaction.
is_sms_confirm String SMS confirmation flag

Cancelling unpaid invoice

Rejects an unpaid invoice, which makes the invoice unavailable for payment.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  'https://edge.qiwi.com/checkout-api/api/bill/reject' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <a href="#auth_data">QIWI Wallet API token</a>' \
  -d '{ "id": 1034353453 }'
POST /checkout-api/api/bill/reject HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <a href="#auth_data">QIWI Wallet API token</a>
Content-type: application/json
Host: edge.qiwi.com
User-Agent: ****

  "id": 1034353453

Required parameter in JSON body:

Name Type Description
id Integer Invoice ID to reject, taken from bills[].id field of invoice data

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Successful response has HTTP code 200.


Edit on GitHub

Webhook allows you to receive real-time HTTP notifications of events (outgoing / incoming payments). You need to implement a web service to receive and processing of POST-requests according to the requests format.

You need to respond the notification with HTTP 200 OK within 1-2 sec. If QIWI service has no response, it sends next notification in 10 min, then in 1 hour.

Pools of IP-addresses from which QIWI service sends notifications:

If your web service works behinds the firewall, you need to add these IP-addresses to the list of allowed addresses for incoming TCP packets.

Quick start

  1. Implement web service for webhook requests. Make sure to implement correctly the digital signature verification.
  2. Register your service. Please note that its URL original length (before URL-encoding) cannot be longer than 100 symbols.
  3. Request for signature key.
  4. Test your service with test request. Empty notification will be sent to your service registered at stage 2.

To change webhook service URL:

  1. Remove current webhook service.
  2. Register new webhook service. Please note that its URL original length (before URL-encoding) cannot be longer than 100 symbols.
  3. Request for new signature key.
  4. Test your service with test request. Empty notification will be sent to your service registered at stage 2.

Processing notification

Outgoing payments - notification of payment in process

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Host: example.com

{"hash": "50779a03d90c4fa60ac44dfd158dbceec0e9c57fa4cf4f5298450fdde1868945",
 "hookId": "f57f95e2-149f-4278-b2cb-4114bc319727",
 "messageId": "f9a197a8-26b6-4d42-aac4-d86b789c373c",
 "payment": {"account": "myAccount",
             "comment": "My comment",
             "commission": Null,
             "date": "2018-05-18T16:05:15+03:00",
             "errorCode": "0",
             "personId": 79254914194,
             "provider": 25549,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "WAITING",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "13117338074",
             "type": "OUT"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Outgoing payment - notification of successful payment

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Host: example.com

{"hash": "50779a03d90c4fa60ac44dfd158dbceec0e9c57fa4cf4f5298450fdde1868945",
 "hookId": "f57f95e2-149f-4278-b2cb-4114bc319727",
 "messageId": "6e2a0e32-4c8d-4fe2-9eed-fe3b6a726ff4",
 "payment": {"account": "thedandod",
             "comment": "My comment",
             "commission": {"amount": 0.0, "currency": 643},
             "date": "2018-05-18T16:05:15+03:00",
             "errorCode": "0",
             "personId": 79254914194,
             "provider": 25549,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "SUCCESS",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.73, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "13117338074",
             "type": "OUT"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Outgoing payments - notification of unsuccessful payment

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Host: example.com

{"hash": "0637b07b1018d76585db26b0f8077016b12996006429e22a7dc5b6982710a1ef",
 "hookId": "f57f95e2-149f-4278-b2cb-4114bc319727",
 "messageId": "1133873b-9bb6-4adb-9bfe-7be3a9aa999f",
 "payment": {"account": "borya241203",
             "comment": "",
             "commission": None,
             "date": "2018-05-20T05:19:16+03:00",
             "errorCode": "5",
             "personId": 79254914194,
             "provider": 25549,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "ERROR",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.01, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.01, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "13126423989",
             "type": "OUT"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Incoming payment - notification of successful payment

POST /some-hook.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Host: example.com

{"hash": "a56ed0090fa3fd2fd0b002ed80f85a120037a6a85f840938888275e1631da96f",
 "hookId": "8c79f60d-0272-476b-b120-6e7629467328",
 "messageId": "bba24947-ab5f-4b33-881b-738fc3a4c9e1",
 "payment": {"account": "79042426915",
             "comment": "Replenishing wallet",
             "commission": {"amount": 0.0, "currency": 643},
             "date": "2018-03-25T13:16:48+03:00",
             "errorCode": "0",
             "personId": 79645265240,
             "provider": 7,
             "signFields": "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId",
             "status": "SUCCESS",
             "sum": {"amount": 1.09, "currency": 643},
             "total": {"amount": 1.09, "currency": 643},
             "txnId": "12565018935",
             "type": "IN"},
 "test": false,
 "version": "1.0.0"}

Each notification is an incoming POST-request with single payment data in JSON body. JSON scheme is as followed:

Field Type Description
hookId String (UUID) Unique webhook id
messageId String (UUID) Unique notification id
payment Object Payment data
payment.txnId String QIWI Wallet transaction ID
payment.account String For outgoing payments - recipients account number. For incoming payments - sender number, self-service kiosk number, or top-up agent name
payment.signFields String A list of fields in payment object (separated by comma) to use for HmacSHA256 hash calculation of notification signature (see hash field)
payment.personId Integer Your wallet number
payment.date String DateTime Payment date/time, in Moscow time zone, as YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss+03:00
payment.errorCode String Payment error code
payment.type String Payment type:
IN - wallet top-up,
OUT - payment
payment.status String Payment status:
WAITING - payment in process,
SUCCESS - successful payment,
ERROR - payment error.
payment.provider Integer Provider ID in QIWI Wallet
payment.comment String Transaction comment
payment.sum Object Payment amount data
sum.amount Number(Decimal) Amount
sum.currency Number(3) Currency code
payment.commission Object Payment commission
commission.amount Number(Decimal) Commission amount
commission.currency Number(3) Currency code
payment.total Object Total payment amount
total.amount Number(Decimal) Amount
total.currency Number(3) Currency code
test Boolean Flag indicating test notification
version String Webhook API version
hash String Hash of the notification's digital signature

Notification signature verification

//Procedure returns string of sorted values from notification parameters and signature hash for verification
function getReqParams(){
    //Make sure that it is a POST request.
    if(strcasecmp($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'POST') != 0){
        throw new Exception('Request method must be POST!');
    //Receive the RAW post data.
    $content = trim(file_get_contents("php://input"));
    //Attempt to decode the incoming RAW post data from JSON.
    $decoded = json_decode($content, true);
    //If json_decode failed, the JSON is invalid.
        throw new Exception('Received content contained invalid JSON!');
    //Check if test
    if ($decoded['test'] == 'true') {
      throw new Exception('Test!');
    // String of parameters
    $reqparams = $decoded['payment']['sum']['currency'] . '|' . $decoded['payment']['sum']['amount'] . '|'. $decoded['payment']['type'] . '|' . $decoded['payment']['account'] . '|' . $decoded['payment']['txnId'];
    // Signature
    foreach ($decoded as $name=>$value) {
       if ($name == 'hash') {
            $SIGN_REQ = $value;
    return [$reqparams, $SIGN_REQ];
// Resulted data
$Request = getReqParams();
// Base64 encoded key for decryption (method /hook/{hookId}/key)
$NOTIFY_PWD = "JcyVhjHCvHQwufz+IHXolyqHgEc5MoayBfParl6Guoc=";
// Get SHA-256 hash of the string and encrypt with your webhook key
$reqres = hash_hmac("sha256", $Request[0], base64_decode($NOTIFY_PWD));
// Verify signature
if (hash_equals($reqres, $Request[1])) {
    $error = array('response' => 'OK');
else $error = array('response' => 'error');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$jsonres = json_encode($error);
echo $jsonres;
error_log('error code' . $jsonres);
import base64
import hmac
import hashlib

# Base64 encoded key (get it with /hook/{hookId}/key request)
webhook_key_base64 = 'JcyVhjHCvHQwufz+IHXolyqHgEc5MoayBfParl6Guoc='
# notification parameters
data = '643|1|IN|+79161112233|13353941550'
webhook_key = base64.b64decode(bytes(webhook_key_base64,'utf-8'))
print(hmac.new(webhook_key, data.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest())

To verify signature of a notification, proceed with the following:

  1. Take values of fields specified in payment.signFields field of the notification JSON (in the same order) as Strings.
  2. Join them with | separator.
  3. Encode the resulted string with SHA-256 and signature key.
  4. Compare obtained value with hash field of the notification.

Example of signature verification (see also PHP procedure on the right tab):

  1. You get signature key, encoded in Base64: JcyVhjHCvHQwufz+IHXolyqHgEc5MoayBfParl6Guoc=
  2. You get notification: {"messageId":"7814c49d-2d29-4b14-b2dc-36b377c76156","hookId":"5e2027d1-f5f3-4ad1-b409-058b8b8a8c22","payment":{"txnId":"13353941550","date":"2018-06-27T13:39:00+03:00","type":"IN","status":"SUCCESS","errorCode":"0","personId":78000008000,"account":"+79161112233","comment":"","provider":7,"sum":{"amount":1,"currency":643},"commission":{"amount":0,"currency":643},"total":{"amount":1,"currency":643},"signFields":"sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId"},"hash":"76687ffe5c516c793faa46fafba0994e7ca7a6d735966e0e0c0b65eaa43bdca0","version":"1.0.0","test":false}
  3. Join values of the fields specified in signFields field (sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId):
  4. The obtained string is encoded with SHA-256 and the Base64-decoded key from step 1: f05c4e7bdf00620205d47696d77f924bfd3ba4d02b0398ac8a626e737dc27243 Result coincides with hash field from the notification. The verification is successful.

Webhook service registration

Request → PUT

curl -X PUT \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-notifier/v1/hooks?hookType=1&param=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fcallbacks%2F&txnType=2" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
PUT /payment-notifier/v1/hooks?hookType=1&param=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fcallbacks%2F&txnType=2 HTTP/1.1
Host: edge.qiwi.com
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****
Name Type Description
hookType Integer Webhook type. Only 1.
param URL-encoded Service URL. URL original length (before URL-encoding) must be within 100 symbols. URL must be accessible from the Internet.
txnType String Choose type of transactions for notifications:
0 - only incoming transactions (wallet top-up);
1 - only outgoing transactions (payments);
2 - all transactions

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
hookId String Webhook service UUID
hookParameters Object Webhook service parameters
hookParameters.url String Webhook service URL
hookType String Webhook type (only WEB)
txnType String Transactions type for notifications (IN - incoming, OUT - outgoing, BOTH - all)

Remove webhook service registration

Request → DELETE

curl -X DELETE \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-notifier/v1/hooks/<hook-id>" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
DELETE /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/d63a8729-f5c8-486f-907d-9fb8758afcfc HTTP/1.1
Host: edge.qiwi.com
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "response":"Hook deleted"

Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
response String Operation result

Secret key provision

Each notification contains digital signature encoded by secret key. Use this request to get the key.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-notifier/v1/hooks/<hook-id>/key" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/d63a8729-f5c8-486f-907d-9fb8758afcfc/key HTTP/1.1
Host: edge.qiwi.com
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
key String Base64-encoded key

Secret key change

Changes the secret key for notifications signature.

Request → POST

curl -X POST \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-notifier/v1/hooks/<hook-id>/newkey" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
POST /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/d63a8729-f5c8-486f-907d-9fb8758afcfc/newkey HTTP/1.1
Host: edge.qiwi.com
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
key String Base64-encoded new key

Webhook service data

Gets the active webhook service linked to your wallet.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-notifier/v1/hooks/active" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/active HTTP/1.1
Host: edge.qiwi.com
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
hookId String Active webhook UUID
hookParameters Object Webhook service parameters
hookParameters.url String Webhook URL
hookType String Webhook type (only WEB)
txnType String Transactions type for notifications (IN - incoming (wallet topup), OUT - outgoing (payments), BOTH - all)

Test webhook service

Use this request to test your webhook service. As a result of the request, empty test notification is sent to the URL of the active webhook service.

Request → GET

curl -X GET \
  "https://edge.qiwi.com/payment-notifier/v1/hooks/test" \
  -H "accept: */*" \
  -H "authorization: Bearer <API token>"
GET /payment-notifier/v1/hooks/test HTTP/1.1
Host: edge.qiwi.com
Authorization: Bearer <API token>
User-Agent: ****

Response ←

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "response":"Webhook sent"

Response in JSON.

Field Type Description
response String Notification on the request

Error Codes

API returns the following HTTP codes in case of errors.

HTTP code API Description
400 All Wrong data format of request
401 All Wrong API token or token expired
403 All Not enough rights of API token for the request
404 Payments history, Transaction info, Receipt Transaction not found or no payments with such data
404 Balances, User's profile, Identification Wallet not found
404 Callbacks Active webhook not found
404 Pay/Cancel invoice Invoice not found
422 Webhook registration Wrong domain/subnet/host in new webhook URL, wrong webhook type or transactions type, or webhook already exists and is active
423 All Too many requests, service temporary unavailable
500 All Internal service error (webhook URL too long, infrastructure maintenance, resource is unavailable and so on)

The following errors return in errorCode field in responses to payments history and transaction info requests:

errorCode Description
0 OK
3 Technical error. Repeat the request later
4 Incorrect format of phone or account number. Check the data
5 No such number. Check the data and try again
8 Technical problem on the recipient's bank side. Try again later
57 Recipient's wallet status not allowing the money transfer. Ask them to enter passport data in QIWI Wallet to increase status level.
131 Payment type unavailable for your country
166 Your wallet status not allowing the money transfer. Enter passport data in QIWI Wallet to increase status level.
167 Recipient's wallet status not allowing the money transfer. Ask them to enter passport data in QIWI Wallet to increase status level.
202 Technical error. Repeat the payment later
204 Your wallet status not allowing the cash topup. Enter passport data in QIWI Wallet to increase status level.
220 Not enough funds. Replenish your wallet
241 Payment amount must be larger than 1 ruble
242 Payment amount larger than maximum allowed
254 Payment amount must be larger than 1 ruble
271 Technical issue on the recipient's bank side. Try again later
300 Technical error. Repeat the payment later
303 Wrong phone number - enter 10 digits
319 Your wallet status not allowing the money transfer. Enter passport data in QIWI Wallet to increase status level.
407 Not enough funds on your card
408 You already have the same payment - pay or cancel it
455 Payment is not possible due to limit on minimum balance
461 Time to confirm operation is expired. Try again later
472 Not enough funds on your wallet - replenish it
500 Technical error on the recipient's bank side. Contact the bank's Support service
522 Recipient's card wrong number or expiration date. Check data and try again
547 Recipient's card wrong expiration date. Check data and try again
548 Recipient's card expired
558 Payment amount larger than maximum allowed
561 Bank where the money is transferring does not accept the payment. Contact the bank's Support service
700 Limit for your wallet current status is exceeded. Increase your status level or check your current limit in Profile section
702 Payment is not possible due to recipient's limit. Its balance's limit is exceeded. Recipient has to contact with our Support
704 The monthly limit on your wallet has been exceeded. To remove the restrictions, increase your wallet status in Profile section
705 The monthly limit on your wallet has been exceeded. To remove the restrictions, increase your wallet status in Profile section
710 Transfer is not possible - the weekly limit of payments for the same recipient have been exceeded
711 Transfer is not possible. You have exceeded the monthly payment limit for such transactions
716 You have exceeded the monthly limit on withdrawals from the card. To remove the restrictions, increase your wallet status in Profile section
717 You have exceeded the daily limit on withdrawals from the card. To remove the restrictions, increase your wallet status in Profile section
746 Transfer is impossible - the limit for the same recipient has been exceeded
747 Transfer is not possible. The number of operations for the same recipient has been exceeded
749 Technical error. Contact our Support
750 Technical error. Repeat the payment later
757 The limit on the number of payments has been exceeded. To remove the restrictions, increase your wallet status in Profile section
797 Payment has been cancelled, the money is returned to your wallet
852 Transfer is impossible - the limit for the same recipient has been exceeded
866 Payment not processed. Limit on outgoing transfers has been exceeded - 5 000 RUB from RUB, USD, EUR accounts to KZT monthly. Increase your wallet status in Profile section and pay without limits
867 Payment not processed. Limit on incoming transfers has been exceeded - 5 000 RUB from RUB, USD, EUR accounts to KZT monthly. Increase your wallet status in Profile section and pay without limits
893 Transfer rejected. Date is expired
901 The code to confirm the payment has expired. Repeat the payment
943 The limit on transfers per month is exceeded. Increase your wallet status in Profile section and transfer without restrictions
1050 The limit on such operations is exceeded. Increase your wallet status in Profile section and expand your options
7000 Payment rejected. Check card's details and repeat the payment
7600 Payment rejected. Contact the bank that issued the card