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General Information

Payout API is a universal API for paying out funds from legal entities. Among the possible payment instruments are available:

API overview

The payout API is built on the REST architecture, where data and functionality are considered resources accessed via Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

Resources are processed using a set of simple, well-defined operations. Clients and servers exchange representations of resources using a standardized interface and the HTTP protocol.

HTTP methods

Content type

Resources are represented as JSON objects; when creating them (HTTP method PUT) you must specify Content-Type: application/json in the request headers.

Data transfer methods


Most of the methods provide physical or logical idempotence, i.e. repeating an action multiple times is equivalent to doing it once. Although idempotent operations produce the same result on the server, the response itself may not be the same (for example, the state of a resource may change between requests).


As part of the technical interaction, two types of authorization are available:

Authorization using Bearer token

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/providers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

With this type of authorization, all partner requests, when calling methods, are authorized by the value of the Bearer token known only to the partner.

The token is specified in the Authorization HTTP header with the Bearer prefix, according to the specification RFC 6750. For example: Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>.

Authorization using a client certificate

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Host: private-api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     --key private.key \
     --cert certificate.crt \
     --cacert ca.pem \

When using a client certificate, all partner requests, when calling methods, are supplemented by transferring a certificate and a private key known only to the partner.

In this case, the Authorization header is not formed on the client side and the request is accompanied by a digital certificate in the X.509 v3 format, according to the specification RFC 5280.


Method versioning is supported in the universal Payout API. The URL for calling the method contains a suffix that specifies the required version of the method:


Currently, two versions of the Payout API are supported - 1 and 2. The actual current version of the payout protocol is 2 version. Method descriptions explicitly specify which API versions to use.

API endpoints

Test environment

For calls to API methods in a test environment, depending on the type of encryption and authorization method, the following endpoints are used:

Encryption Authorization Endpoint
RSA Token https://api-test.qiwi.com/
RSA Certificate https://private-api-test.qiwi.com/
ГОСТ Token https://api-gost-test.qiwi.com/
ГОСТ Certificate https://private-api-gost-test.qiwi.com/

Production environment

For calls to API methods in a production environment, depending on the type of encryption and authorization method, the following endpoints are used:

Encryption Authorization Endpoint
RSA Token https://api.qiwi.com/
RSA Certificate https://private-api.qiwi.com/
ГОСТ Token https://api-gost.qiwi.com/
ГОСТ Certificate https://private-api-gost.qiwi.com/

Service methods

Methods for working with the list of available payout providers, their parameters, limits, as well as getting the agent's balance.

Main account balance

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/balance HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

Gets the current balance of the main account.

HTTP method: GET
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/balance


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "balance": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "1000000.00"
  "overdraft": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "500000.00"
  "available": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "1500000.00"

A successful response contains the current balance of the main account as a Balance object.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.

Balance of all accounts

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/balances HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

Gets the current balance of all accounts.

HTTP method: GET
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/balances


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "RUB": {
    "balance": {
      "currency": "RUB",
      "value": "1000000.00"
    "available": {
      "currency": "RUB",
      "value": "1000000.00"

A successful response contains a set of balances of all accounts as a ratio of Currency and Balance.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.

List of providers

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/providers HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

Gets a list of available payout providers.

HTTP method: GET
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/providers


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "providerCode": "bank-card-russia",
    "name": "Банковские карты РФ"
    "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
    "name": "Qiwi кошелек"

A successful response contains a sequential array of the Provider object's provider elements.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.

Provider information

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/providers/qiwi-wallet HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

Gets extended information about the provider.

HTTP method: GET
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/providers/{providerCode}


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier
providerCode path ProviderCode Provider unique identifier



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "Qiwi Wallet",
  "legalName": "Qiwi Bank JSC",
  "amountLimits": {
    "RUB": {
      "min": "1.00",
      "max": "600000.00"
  "parameters": [
      "extKey": "account",
      "required": true,
      "description": "QW user's account",
      "validationPattern": "7\\d{10}"
  "inn": "3123011520",
  "contactDetails": {
    "address": "Russia, 117648, Moscow, md. Chertanovo Severnoe, 1A, bldg. 1",
    "phoneNumber": "8-800-707-77-59"

A successful response contains extended information about the provider in the form of a ProviderInfo object.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.

Payment methods

Methods for working with payments, including creating, processing, and receiving information about a payment.

Creating a payment

PUT /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/payments/0123456789 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com

  "amount": {
    "value": "2.00",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "recipientDetails": {
    "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
    "fields": {
      "account": "79010001122"
  "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
  "customFields": {
    "user": "Wile E. Coyote"
curl -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \
     https://api.qiwi.com/partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/payments/0123456789 \
     -d '{
            "amount": {
              "value": "2.00",
              "currency": "RUB"
            "recipientDetails": {
              "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
              "fields": {
                "account": "79010001122"
            "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
            "customFields": {
              "user": "Wile E. Coyote"

Creates a new payment.

HTTP method: PUT
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/payments/{paymentId}


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier
paymentId path string Unique payment identifier from 1 to 36 characters
payload body PaymentPayload Parameters of the created payment



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "paymentId": "0123456789",
  "creationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:05:51+03:00",
  "expirationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:35:51+03:00",
  "status": {
    "value": "READY",
    "changedDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:05:51+03:00"
  "amount": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "2.00"
  "recipientDetails": {
    "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
    "fields": {
      "account": "79010001122"
  "commission": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "0.04"
  "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
  "customFields": {
    "user": "Wile E. Coyote"

A successful response contains information on the created payment in the form of a Payment object.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.

Payment processing

POST /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/payments/0123456789/execute HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

Executes a payment.

HTTP method: POST
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/payments/{paymentId}/execute


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier
paymentId path string Unique payment identifier from 1 to 36 characters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "paymentId": "0123456789",
  "creationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:05:51+03:00",
  "expirationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:35:51+03:00",
  "status": {
    "value": "COMPLETED",
    "changedDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:06:00+03:00"
  "amount": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "2.00"
  "recipientDetails": {
    "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
    "fields": {
      "account": "79010001122"
  "commission": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "0.04"
  "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
  "customFields": {
    "user": "Wile E. Coyote"

A successful response contains information on the completed payment in the form of a Payment object.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.

List of payments

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/payments HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

Gets a list of recent payments. Without specifying the from and to filters, payments are searched for the last 50 days.

HTTP method: GET
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/payments


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier
limit query × integer The limit on the number of payments returned in the response, default 20
offset query × integer Number of payments to skip, default 0
from query × date Search interval start date in YYYY-MM-DD format
to query × date Search interval end date in YYYY-MM-DD format



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "paymentId": "0123456789-01",
    "creationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:05:51+03:00",
    "expirationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:35:51+03:00",
    "status": {
      "value": "COMPLETED",
      "changedDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:06:00+03:00"
    "amount": {
      "currency": "RUB",
      "value": "2.00"
    "recipientDetails": {
      "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
      "fields": {
        "account": "79010001122"
    "commission": {
      "currency": "RUB",
      "value": "0.04"
    "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
    "customFields": {
      "user": "Wile E. Coyote"
    "paymentId": "0123456789-02",
    "creationDateTime": "2023-01-18T15:05:51+03:00",
    "expirationDateTime": "2023-01-18T15:35:51+03:00",
    "status": {
      "value": "COMPLETED",
      "changedDateTime": "2023-01-18T15:06:00+03:00"
    "amount": {
      "currency": "RUB",
      "value": "40.00"
    "recipientDetails": {
      "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
      "fields": {
        "account": "79010001122"
    "commission": {
      "currency": "RUB",
      "value": "0.80"
    "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
    "customFields": {
      "user": "Wile E. Coyote"

A successful response contains a collection of payments Payment according to the specified search conditions.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.

Payment information

GET /partner/payout/v2/agents/acme/payments/0123456789-02 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>
Host: api.qiwi.com
curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token-Value>" \

Gets payment's information. The payment is searched for the last 50 days.

HTTP method: GET
Resource URI: /partner/payout/v2/agents/{agentId}/payments/{paymentId}


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
agentId path string Agent unique identifier
paymentId path string Unique payment identifier from 1 to 36 characters



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "paymentId": "0123456789-02",
  "creationDateTime": "2023-01-18T15:05:51+03:00",
  "expirationDateTime": "2023-01-18T15:35:51+03:00",
  "status": {
    "value": "COMPLETED",
    "changedDateTime": "2023-01-18T15:06:00+03:00"
  "amount": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "40.00"
  "recipientDetails": {
    "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
    "fields": {
      "account": "79010001122"
  "commission": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "0.80"
  "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
  "customFields": {
    "user": "Wile E. Coyote"

A successful response contains payment information in the form of a Payment object.

A response with an HTTP error code (4xx, 5xx) contains an Error object. See Error handling for details.


Methods for working with partner notifications about changes in the system, including notifications about changes in payment status.

Payment status notification

POST /webhook HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
QIWI-Signature: <Sign-Value>
Host: acme.inc

  "agentId": "acme",
  "paymentId": "c0d85b0b-a528-9c66-4a15-cb7a12eda9d6",
  "status": {
    "value": "FAILED",
    "changedDateTime": "2023-01-18T13:00:28Z",
    "errorCode": "INTERNAL_ERROR",
    "errorMessage": "Some reason"
  "amount": {
    "value": "200.00",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "billingDetails": {
    "transactionId": "20221101000019",
    "rrn": "A123456",
    "accountNumber": "4950001122",
    "accountInfo": "Ivanov I.P.",
    "receiptUrl": "https://billing.inc/receipt/6f5ec8cc-69ed-4fe5-aa2c-28850fc87ab2"
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "QIWI-Signature: <Sign-Value>" \
     https://acme.inc/webhook \
     -d '{
           "agentId": "acme",
           "paymentId": "c0d85b0b-a528-9c66-4a15-cb7a12eda9d6",
           "status": {
             "value": "FAILED",
             "changedDateTime": "2023-01-18T13:00:28Z",
             "errorCode": "INTERNAL_ERROR",
             "errorMessage": "Some reason"
           "amount": {
             "value": "200.00",
             "currency": "RUB"
           "billingDetails": {
             "transactionId": "20221101000019",
             "rrn": "A123456",
             "accountNumber": "4950001122",
             "accountInfo": "Ivanov I.P.",
             "receiptUrl": "https://billing.inc/receipt/6f5ec8cc-69ed-4fe5-aa2c-28850fc87ab2"

Notifies the partner of a payment status change.

HTTP method: POST
Resource URI: {webhookAddressUrl}


Parameter Position ✓\× Type Description
webhookAddressUrl path string Partner Notification URL
QIWI-Signature header string Request signature, see calculation algorithm
payload body Webhook Payment Information

Request signature calculation algorithm

The following algorithm is used to calculate the QIWI-Signature signature:

  1. Generate a signature string like this:


    where each of the {param} is the value of the corresponding parameter in the Webhook notification body, and then all values stuck together with the | character.

  2. Compute HMAC with SHA256 hash function from generated string and private key as encryption key.
  3. Pass the resulting signature in the request header to the QIWI-Signature field.


The response body is not parsed, the system only looks at HTTP status codes.

Any code other than 2xx is considered an error and the system will continue to repeat the notification.

Error handling

According to the REST architecture, high-level request processing errors are reported in the HTTP status code RFC 2068. The following HTTP codes are used in the universal payout API:

Code Description
200 Successful or Conditionally Successful
400 Request parameters are invalid, request not processed
401 Token or certificate not provided or invalid
403 Insufficient rights to complete the request
404 The resource with the requested id was not found
5xx Request processing error

Detailed interpretation of the request processing result can be passed in the errorCode field of the requested (returned) object. If the request is processed and it is impossible to return a correct response, the API returns an Error object with detailed information about the error.

If you receive an error from the 5xx list as a result of processing payment methods, especially the payment processing request, check the processing result using the payment information.

Error model

  "serviceName": "payout-api",
  "errorCode": "internal.error",
  "userMessage": "Описание ошибки для отображения пользователя",
  "description": "Описание ошибки",
  "traceId": "aa99e984dd230404",
  "dateTime": "2023-01-01T00:23:46+03:00",
  "cause": {
    "amount": ["Payout's amount is greater than maximum available"]

Summary information about the error.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
serviceName string Service ID
errorCode ErrorCode Error code
userMessage string Description of the error for the user
description string Error description
traceId string Request Unique ID
dateTime dateTime The date the error occurred in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
cause × map[string, array[string]] Additional error details

ErrorCode model

The value of errorCode has a domain structure, separated by . (dot). From left to right, the level of the cause (system) that caused the error decreases.

Authorization level errors

Value Description
auth.error General authorization error
auth.failed Authorization error: token/certificate not provided or not found
auth.forbidden Access denied: no permissions to access the requested resource

Validation level errors

Value Description
payout.bad.request Invalid request: required parameters are missing or incorrect
payout.resource.exists Resource already exists: the resource with the requested id already exists
payout.payment.not-found Payment not found: payment for the requested id was not found
payout.provider.not-found Provider not found: provider with the requested identifier was not found
validation.error Request validation error, invalid JSON

Payment level errors

Value Description
payout.provider.forbidden Provider prohibited: payments to the specified provider are prohibited
payout.provider.unavailable Provider unavailable: payments to the specified provider are temporarily unavailable
payout.billing.declined Payment declined: the recipient's information system refused to accept the payment
payout.billing.timeout Request timeout: no response received from recipient's information system

Financial and legislative risks level errors

Value Description
payout.fraud.violated Payment prohibited: violations of financial rules or fraud monitoring
payout.legislation.prohibited Payment is prohibited in accordance with the requirements of the Russian legislation

General level errors

Value Description
payout.insufficient-funds Insufficient funds: insufficient funds on the partner's balance
payout.internal.error Internal error
internal.error Internal error

Test details

For test payment requests, use the following datasets:

Data models

Description of the data models used in the API.

Balance model

  "balance": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "1000000.00"
  "overdraft": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "500000.00"
  "available": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "1500000.00"

Account balance information.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
balance × Money Current balance
overdraft × Money Allowed excess balance
available Money Total available limit

Money model

  "currency": "RUB",
  "value": "1000000.00"

Information about the amount indicating the currency.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
currency Currency Currency code
value string Amount in number format with . (dot) separator and two digits after

Currency model

List of available currency codes according to ISO 4217 specification (alpha-3 code).

Value Description
RUB Russian ruble

Provider model

  "code" : "qiwi-wallet",
  "name" : "Qiwi кошелек"

Brief information about the provider.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
code ProviderCode Provider unique identifier
name string Provider name

ProviderInfo model

  "name": "Qiwi Wallet",
  "legalName": "Qiwi Bank JSC",
  "amountLimits": {
    "RUB": {
      "min": "1.00",
      "max": "600000.00"
  "parameters": [
      "extKey": "account",
      "required": true,
      "description": "QW user's account",
      "validationPattern": "7\\d{10}"
  "inn": "3123011520",
  "contactDetails": {
    "address": "Russia, 117648, Moscow, md. Chertanovo Severnoe, 1A, bldg. 1",
    "phoneNumber": "8-800-707-77-59"

Extended information about the provider.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
name string Provider name
legalName string Legal name of the provider
amountLimits map[Currency, Limit] A set of allowed amounts by available currencies
parameters set of Parameter Parameters used when calling payment methods
inn × string Provider's TIN
contactDetails × Contact Provider contact details

Parameter model

  "extKey": "account",
  "required": true,
  "description": "QW user's account",
  "validationPattern": "7\\d{10}"

Description of the payment parameter for the provider.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
extKey string Parameter code
required boolean Mandatory sign
description string Parameter description
validationPattern × string Fill pattern

Contact model

  "address": "Russia, 117648, Moscow, md. Chertanovo Severnoe, 1A, bldg. 1",
  "phoneNumber": "8-800-707-77-59"

Counterparty contact details.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
address × string Postal address
phoneNumber × string Telephone number

CurrencyLimit model

  "currency": "RUB",
  "min": "1.00",
  "max": "600000.00"

Restrictions on the payment amount with currency indication.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
currency Currency Currency code
min string Minimum allowed amount (inclusive)
max string Maximum allowed amount (inclusive)

Limit model

  "min": "1.00",
  "max": "600000.00"

Restrictions on the amount of payment without specifying the currency.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
min string Minimum allowed amount (inclusive)
max string Maximum allowed amount (inclusive)

PaymentPayload model

  "amount": {
    "value": "2.00",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "recipientDetails": {
    "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
    "fields": {
      "account": "79010001122"
  "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
  "customFields": {
    "user": "Wile E. Coyote"

Parameters of the created payment.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
amount Money Payment amount
recipientDetails RecipientDetails Payment recipient's parameters
webhookUrl × string Notification URL
customFields × map[string, string] Additional options for accompanying a payment

RecipientDetails model

  "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
  "fields": {
    "account": "79010001122"

Recipient's parameters (payout direction).

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
providerCode Provider.code Provider unique identifier
fields map[Parameter.extKey, string] Set of recipient parameters

ProviderCode model

List of possible provider codes.

Value Description
bank-card-russia Payouts to Russian cards
bank-card-token Payouts to Russian cards by token
self-employed-bank-card Payouts to cards for the self-employed
self-employed-card-token Payouts to cards for the self-employed by token
self-employed-bank-card-tax-payment Payouts to cards for the self-employed with tax payment
self-employed-bank-card-recycling Payouts to cards for the self-employed for recyclable materials
self-employed-bank-card-qmm Payouts to QIWI Mir Metal cards for the self-employed
self-employed-sbp SBP payments for the self-employed with tax registration
qiwi-wallet Payouts to QIWI Wallet
wl-topup Replenishment of the White Label product client account
bank-card-ruslom Payouts to cards for scrap metal
bank-card-ruslom-qmm Payouts to QIWI Mir Metal cards for scrap metal
sbp-b2c SBP payments
sbp-mfo SBP payments with full name verification for MFIs
sbp-recycling Recycling SBP payments with required description
legal-entity-bank-account Payouts to legal entity bank account

ProviderFields model

Information about payment parameters by provider.

Payouts to Russian cards "providerCode": "bank-card-russia"

  "providerCode": "bank-card-russia",
  "fields": {
    "pan": "4111111111111111"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
pan string Recipient's card number
cardholder_name × string Recipient's name
cardholder_lastname × string Recipient's last name
description × string Description of the service provided

Payouts to Russian cards by token "providerCode": "bank-card-token"

  "providerCode": "bank-card-token",
  "fields": {
    "account": "ac465705-16f9-477d-a194-6641e0e8e90e"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Recipient's card number token
cardholder_name × string Recipient's name
cardholder_lastname × string Recipient's last name
description × string Description of the service provided

Payouts to cards for the self-employed "providerCode": "self-employed-bank-card"

  "providerCode": "self-employed-bank-card",
  "fields": {
    "inn": "111111111111",
    "account": "4111111111111111",
    "incomeType": "FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY",
    "description": "Платеж",
    "name": "Имя получателя",
    "lastname": "Фамилия получателя",
    "customerInn": "7777777777",
    "customerOrganization": "Наименование организации, оплачивающей услугу"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Recipient's card number
description string Description of the service provided
inn string TIN of the self-employed
incomeType enum Source of income (FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY, FROM_INDIVIDUAL)
name × string Recipient's name
lastname × string Recipient's last name
customerInn × string TIN of the organization paying for the service
customerOrganization × string Name of the organization paying for the service

Payouts to cards for the self-employed by token providerCode: "self-employed-card-token"

  "providerCode": "self-employed-card-token",
  "fields": {
    "inn": "111111111111",
    "account": "ac465705-16f9-477d-a194-6641e0e8e90e",
    "incomeType": "FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY",
    "description": "Платеж",
    "name": "Имя получателя",
    "lastname": "Фамилия получателя",
    "customerInn": "7777777777",
    "customerOrganization": "Наименование организации, оплачивающей услугу"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Recipient's card number token
description string Description of the service provided
inn string TIN of the self-employed
incomeType enum Source of income (FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY, FROM_INDIVIDUAL)
name × string Recipient's name
lastname × string Recipient's last name
customerInn × string TIN of the organization paying for the service
customerOrganization × string Name of the organization paying for the service

Payouts to cards for the self-employed with tax payment providerCode: "self-employed-bank-card-tax-payment"

  "providerCode": "self-employed-bank-card-tax-payment",
  "fields": {
    "inn": "111111111111",
    "account": "4111111111111111",
    "incomeType": "FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY",
    "description": "Платеж",
    "name": "Имя получателя",
    "lastname": "Фамилия получателя",
    "customerInn": "7777777777",
    "customerOrganization": "Наименование организации, оплачивающей услугу"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Recipient's card number
description string Description of the service provided
inn string TIN of the self-employed
incomeType enum Source of income (FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY, FROM_INDIVIDUAL)
name × string Recipient's name
lastname × string Recipient's last name
customerInn × string TIN of the organization paying for the service
customerOrganization × string Name of the organization paying for the service

Payouts to cards of the self-employed for recyclable materials providerCode: "self-employed-bank-card-recycling"

  "providerCode": "self-employed-bank-card-recycling",
  "fields": {
    "inn": "111111111111",
    "account": "4111111111111111",
    "incomeType": "FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY",
    "description": "ПСА 1001",
    "firstName": "Имя получателя",
    "lastName": "Фамилия получателя",
    "middleName": "Отчество получателя",
    "customerInn": "7777777777",
    "customerOrganization": "Наименование организации, оплачивающей услугу"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Recipient's card number
description string Acceptance act or other description of the service provided
inn string TIN of the self-employed
incomeType enum Source of income (FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY, FROM_INDIVIDUAL)
firstName string Recipient's first name
lastName string Recipient's last name
middleName × string Recipient's middle name
customerInn × string TIN of the organization paying for the service
customerOrganization × string Name of the organization paying for the service

Payouts to QIWI Mir Metal cards for the self-employed "providerCode": "self-employed-bank-card-qmm"

  "providerCode": "self-employed-bank-card-qmm",
  "fields": {
    "inn": "111111111111",
    "account": "4111111111111111",
    "incomeType": "FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY",
    "description": "Платеж",
    "name": "Имя получателя",
    "lastname": "Фамилия получателя",
    "customerInn": "7777777777",
    "customerOrganization": "Наименование организации, оплачивающей услугу"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Recipient's card number (only Qiwi Mir Metal cards)
description string Description of the service provided
inn string TIN of the self-employed
incomeType enum Source of income (FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY, FROM_INDIVIDUAL)
name × string Recipient's name
lastname × string Recipient's last name
customerInn × string TIN of the organization paying for the service
customerOrganization × string Name of the organization paying for the service

SBP payments for the self-employed with tax registration providerCode: "self-employed-sbp"

  "providerCode": "self-employed-sbp",
  "fields": {
    "inn": "111111111111",
    "account": "79098087755",
    "bankId": "100000000001",
    "incomeType": "FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY",
    "description": "Платеж",
    "name": "Имя получателя",
    "lastname": "Фамилия получателя",
    "customerInn": "7777777777",
    "customerOrganization": "Наименование организации, оплачивающей услугу"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string The recipient's phone number in international format without the + sign
bankId string Beneficiary's bank identifier in SBP
description string Description of the service provided
inn string TIN of the self-employed
incomeType enum Source of income (FROM_LEGAL_ENTITY, FROM_INDIVIDUAL)
name × string Recipient's name
lastname × string Recipient's last name
customerInn × string TIN of the organization paying for the service
customerOrganization × string Name of the organization paying for the service

Payouts to QIWI Wallet providerCode: "qiwi-wallet"

  "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
  "fields": {
    "account": "79123456789",
    "comment": "Comment"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Phone number
comment × string Comment

Replenishment of the White Label product client account providerCode: "wl-topup"

  "providerCode": "wl-topup",
  "fields": {
    "account": "21646",
    "product_id": "company-id"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string Client ID in WL
product_id string Product ID in WL

Payouts to cards for scrap metal "providerCode": "bank-card-ruslom"

  "providerCode": "bank-card-ruslom",
  "fields": {
      "pan": "4111111111111111",
      "lastname": "Фамилия получателя",
      "name": "Имя получателя",
      "patronymic": "Отчество получателя",
      "acceptanceCertificate": "Номер приемо-сдаточного акта"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
pan string Recipient's card number
name string Recipient's name
lastname string Recipient's last name
patronymic × string Recipient's patronymic
acceptanceCertificate string Acceptance certificate number

Payouts to QIWI Mir Metal cards for scrap metal "providerCode": "bank-card-ruslom-qmm"

  "providerCode": "bank-card-ruslom-qmm",
  "fields": {
      "pan": "4111111111111111",
      "lastname": "Фамилия получателя",
      "name": "Имя получателя",
      "patronymic": "Отчество получателя",
      "acceptanceCertificate": "Номер приемо-сдаточного акта"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
pan string Recipient's card number (only Qiwi Mir Metal cards)
name string Recipient's name
lastname string Recipient's last name
patronymic × string Recipient's patronymic
acceptanceCertificate string Acceptance certificate number

SBP payments "providerCode": "sbp-b2c"

  "providerCode": "sbp-b2c",
  "fields": {
    "account": "79098087755",
    "bankId": "100000000001"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string The recipient's phone number in international format without the + sign
bankId string Beneficiary's bank identifier in SBP

SBP payments with full name verification for MFIs "providerCode": "sbp-mfo"

  "providerCode": "sbp-mfo",
  "fields": {
    "phone": "79098087755",
    "bankId": "100000000001",
    "lastName": "Иванов",
    "firstName": "Иван",
    "middleName": "Иванович"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
phone string The recipient's phone number in international format without the + sign
bankId string Beneficiary's bank identifier in SBP
lastName string Recipient's last name
firstName string Recipient's name
middleName × string Recipient's patronymic

SBP payments for recycling "providerCode": "sbp-recycling"

  "providerCode": "sbp-recycling",
  "fields": {
    "phone": "79098087755",
    "bankId": "100000000001",
    "lastName": "Иванов",
    "firstName": "Иван",
    "middleName": "Иванович",
    "description": "ПСА 123"
Parameter ✓\× Type Description
account string The recipient's phone number in international format without the + sign
bankId string Beneficiary's bank identifier in SBP
lastName string Recipient's last name
firstName string Recipient's name
middleName × string Recipient's patronymic
description × string Payment acceptance certificate or other description
  "providerCode": "legal-entity-bank-account",
  "fields": {
    "account": "50537928100000002463",
    "bik": "304754657",
    "inn": "1111111111",
    "kpp": "389244830",
    "name": "Qiwi PLC",
    "remarks": "Payment for services #454"
Parameter Type Description
account string Required. Recipient's bank account
bik string Required. Recipient's bank identification code
inn string Required. Recipient's legal entity INN
name string Required. Recipient's legal entity name
remarks string Required. Payment purpose
kpp string Recipient's legal entity KPP (required for LLC)

BillingDetails model

  "transactionId": "20221101000019",
  "rrn": "A123456",
  "accountNumber": "4950001122",
  "accountInfo": "Ivanov I.P.",
  "receiptUrl": "https://billing.inc/receipt/6f5ec8cc-69ed-4fe5-aa2c-28850fc87ab2"

Additional information from the payee billing system.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
transactionId × string Payment ID on the recipient's side
rrn × string Payment acceptance code on the recipient's side
accountNumber × string Account number for payment confirmation
accountInfo × string Additional information for payment confirmation
receiptUrl × string URL address to document with payment information

Payment model

  "paymentId": "0123456789",
  "creationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:05:51+03:00",
  "expirationDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:35:51+03:00",
  "status": {
    "value": "READY",
    "changedDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:05:51+03:00"
  "amount": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "2.00"
  "recipientDetails": {
    "providerCode": "qiwi-wallet",
    "fields": {
      "account": "79010001122"
  "commission": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": "0.04"
  "webhookUrl": "https://acme.inc/webhook",
  "customFields": {
    "user": "Wile E. Coyote"
  "billingDetails": {
    "transactionId": "20221101000019",
    "rrn": "A123456",
    "accountNumber": "4950001122",
    "accountInfo": "Ivanov I.P.",
    "receiptUrl": "https://billing.inc/receipt/6f5ec8cc-69ed-4fe5-aa2c-28850fc87ab2"

Detailed information about the payment with the current status.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
paymentId string Unique payment identifier
creationDateTime dateTime Payment creation date in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
expirationDateTime dateTime Payment expiration date in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
status Status Payment status
amount Money Payment amount
recipientDetails RecipientDetails Payment recipient's parameters
commission Money Calculated commission amount for payment
webhookUrl × string Notification URL
customFields × map[string, string] Additional options for accompanying a payment
billingDetails × BillingDetails Additional information from the payee billing system

Status model

  "value": "READY",
  "changedDateTime": "2023-01-17T15:05:51+03:00"

Detailed information about the payment status.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
value StatusCode Payment status
changedDateTime dateTime Payment status change date in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
errorCode × StatusErrorCode Error code
errorMessage × string Error description

StatusCode model

List of possible payment statuses.

Value Description
CREATED Payment created but not ready to be processed
READY Payment created and ready to be processed
EXPIRED Payment has expired
IN_PROGRESS Payment in progress
FAILED Payment failed
COMPLETED Payment completed successfully

StatusErrorCode model

List of possible error codes.

Value Description
INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Not processed due to lack of funds
BILLING_DECLINED Payment declined by recipient's billing
FRAUD_SUSPECTED Rejected due to suspicion of fraud monitoring
LIMIT_ERROR Rejected due to exceeding limits
EXPIRED Payment has expired

Webhook model

  "agentId": "acme",
  "paymentId": "c0d85b0b-a528-9c66-4a15-cb7a12eda9d6",
  "status": {
    "value": "FAILED",
    "changedDateTime": "2023-01-18T13:00:28Z",
    "errorCode": "INTERNAL_ERROR",
    "errorMessage": "Some reason"
  "amount": {
    "value": "200.00",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "billingDetails": {
    "transactionId": "20221101000019",
    "rrn": "A123456",
    "accountNumber": "4950001122",
    "accountInfo": "Ivanov I.P.",
    "receiptUrl": "https://billing.inc/receipt/6f5ec8cc-69ed-4fe5-aa2c-28850fc87ab2"

Notification of a change in payment status for a partner.

Parameter ✓\× Type Description
agentId string Agent unique identifier
paymentId string Unique payment identifier
status Status Payment status
amount Money Payment amount
billingDetails × BillingDetails Additional information from the payee billing system