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QIWI Checkout API

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QIWI Checkout API opens a way to operations with invoices from your service or application. Invoice is the unique request for the payment. The user may pay the invoice with any accessible means. API supports issuing and cancelling invoices, making refunds and checking operation status.

To use API, you need public and secret keys. Keys are available after registration and integration on kassa.qiwi.com or p2p.qiwi.com.

Invoicing Operations Flow

Operation Flow


API requests from the merchant's side are authorized by the API secret key (SECRET_KEY). Put this parameter to Authorization header, as "Bearer SECRET_KEY".

Public key (PUBLIC_KEY) is used when issuing invoices via the Payment Form.

Keys are available after registration and integration kassa.qiwi.com or p2p.qiwi.com .

const QiwiBillPaymentsAPI = require('bill-payments-node-js-sdk');

const SECRET_KEY = 'eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjUyNjgxMiwiYXBpX3VzZXJfaWQiOjcxNjI2MTk3LCJzZWNyZXQiOiJmZjBiZmJiM2UxYzc0MjY3YjIyZDIzOGYzMDBkNDhlYjhiNTnONPININONPN090MTg5Z**********************';

const qiwiApi = new QiwiBillPaymentsAPI(SECRET_KEY);
--header "Authorization: Bearer MjMyNDQxMjM6NDUzRmRnZDQ0M*******"

const SECRET_KEY = 'eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjUyNjgxMiwiYXBpX3VzZXJfaWQiOjcxNjI2MTk3LCJzZWNyZXQiOiJmZjBiZmJiM2UxYzc0MjY3YjIyZDIzOGYzMDBkNDhlYjhiNTnONPININONPN090MTg5Z**********************';

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
$billPayments = new Qiwi\Api\BillPayments(SECRET_KEY);

String secretKey = "eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjUyNjgxMiwiYXBpX3VzZXJfaWQiOjcxNjI2MTk3LCJzZWNyZXQiOiJmZjBiZmJiM2UxYzc0MjY3YjIyZDIzOGYzMDBkNDhlYjhiNTnONPININONPN090MTg5Z**********************";
 BillPaymentClient client = BillPaymentClientFactory.createDefault(secretKey);
var secretKey = "eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjUyNjgxMiwiYXBpX3VzZXJfaWQiOjcxNjI2MTk3LCJzZWNyZXQiOiJmZjBiZmJiM2UxYzc0MjY3YjIyZDIzOGYzMDBkNDhlYjhiNTnONPININONPN090MTg5Z**********************";

var client = BillPaymentClientFactory.createDefault(secretKey);

1. Invoice Issue by API

It is the reliable method for integration. Parameters are sent by means of server2server requests with authorization. Method allows you to issue an invoice, successful response contains payUrl link to redirect client on Payment Form.

Additional features

Request → PUT

const billId = '893794793973';

const fields = {
    amount: 1.00,
    currency: 'RUB',
    comment: 'Hello world',
    expirationDateTime: '2018-03-02T08:44:07'

qiwiRestApi.createBill( billId, fields ).then( data => {
    //do smth with data
curl https://api.qiwi.com/partner/bill/v1/bills/893794793973 \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjIwNDIsImFwaV91c2VyX2lkIjo1NjYwMzk3Miwic2VjcmV0IjoiQjIwODlDNkI5Q0NDNTdCNDQzNGHJK43JFJDK595FJFJMjlCRkFFRDM5OE***********************'
-d '{
   "amount": {
     "currency": "RUB",
     "value": 100.00
   "comment": "Text comment",
   "expirationDateTime": "2018-04-13T14:30:00+03:00",
   "customer": {},
   "customFields": {}

$billId = '893794793973';
$fields = [
  'amount' => 1.00,
  'currency' => 'RUB',
  'comment' => 'test',
  'expirationDateTime' => '2018-03-02T08:44:07',
  'email' => 'example@mail.org',
  'account' => 'client4563'

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
$response = $billPayments->createBill($billId, $fields);


CreateBillInfo billInfo = new CreateBillInfo(
                new MoneyAmount(
                new Customer(
BillResponse response = client.createBill(billInfo);
var billInfo = new CreateBillInfo
    BillId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
    Amount = new MoneyAmount
        ValueDecimal = 199.9m,
        CurrencyEnum = CurrencyEnum.Rub
    Comment = "comment",
    ExpirationDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(45),
    Customer = new Customer
        Email = "example@mail.org",
        Account = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
        Phone = "79123456789"
var response = client.createBill(billInfo);
Parameter Description Type Required
billId Unique invoice identifier in merchant's system String(200) +
amount.currency invoice amount rounded down to two decimals (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code) +
amount.value Amount of the invoice rounded down to two decimals Number(6.2) +
phone Phone number of the client to which the invoice is issuing (international format) string -
email E-mail of the client where the invoice payment link will be sent string -
account Client identifier in merchant's system string -
comment Invoice commentary String(255) -
customFields[] Additional invoice data String(255) -
expirationDateTime invoice due date. Time should be specified with time zone. string

Response ←

Successful response body example

    "siteId": "23044",
    "billId": "893794793973",
    "amount": {
      "value": 100,
      "currency": "RUB"
    "status": {
      "value": "WAITING",
      "changedDateTime": "2018-03-05T11:27:41+03:00"
    "comment": "Text comment",
    "creationDateTime": "2018-03-05T11:27:41",
    "expirationDateTime": "2018-04-13T14:30:00",
    "payUrl": "https://oplata.qiwi.com/form/?invoice_uid=d875277b-6f0f-445d-8a83-f62c7c07be77"

Error response body

	"serviceName": "invoicing-api",
	"errorCode": "auth.unauthorized",
	"description": "Неверные аутентификационные данные",
	"userMessage": "",
	"datetime": "2018-04-09T18:31:42+03:00",
	"traceId" : "48485a395dfsdf34v124"

Parameter Type Description
billId String Unique invoice identifier in the merchant's system
siteId String Merchant's site identifier in QIWI Kassa
amount.value String The invoice amount. The number is rounded down to two decimals
amount.currency String Currency identifier of the invoice (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code)
status.value String String representation of the status
status.changedDateTime String Status refresh date. Date format:
customer Object Customer data of the invoice subject
customer.phone String The customer’s phone (if specified in the invoice)
customer.email String The customer's e-mail (if specified in the invoice)
customer.account String The customer's identifier in the merchant's system (if specified in the invoice)
customFields Object Additional invoice data provided by the merchant
comment String Comment to the invoice
creationDateTime String System date of the invoice creation. Date format:
payUrl String Pay form link
expirationDateTime String Expiration date of the pay form link (invoice payment's due date). Date format:

2. Invoice Payment Notifications

Request ← POST

Notification example

POST /qiwi-notify.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
X-Api-Signature-SHA256: J4WNfNZd***V5mv2w=
Host: example.com

{ "bill":

Notification is a POST-request (callback). The request's body contains JSON-serialized invoice data encoded by UTF-8.

Notifications handler server URL is specified in kassa.qiwi.com in Protocol settings section.

Authorization on Merchant's Server

Upon receiving inbound notification you need to verify it by digital signature from notification HTTP header X-Api-Signature-SHA256. Signature is verified with HMAC algorithm integrity check with SHA256-hash function.

Signature verification algorithm is as follows:

  1. Prepare a string of the following notification's parameters separated by |:

    invoice_parameters = {amount.currency}|{amount.value}|{billId}|{siteId}|{status.value}

    where {*} is the value of the notification parameter. All values should be treated as strings.

  2. Apply HMAC-SHA256 function:

    hash = HMAС(SHA256, invoice_parameters, secret_key)


    • secret_key – function key;
    • invoice_parameters – string from step 1.
  3. Compare X-Api-Signature-SHA256 header's value with the result of step 2.

const validSignatureFromNotificationServer =

const notificationData = {
    bill: {
        siteId: 'test',
        billId: 'test_bill',
        amount: { value: 1, currency: 'RUB' },
        status: { value: 'PAID', datetime: '2018-03-01T11:16:12+03' },
        customer: {},
        customFields: {},
        creationDateTime: '2018-03-01T11:15:39+03',
        expirationDateTime: '2018-04-15T11:15:39+03'
    version: '1'

const merchantSecret = 'test-merchant-secret-for-signature-check';

    validSignatureFromNotificationServer, notificationData, merchantSecret
); // true

$validSignatureFromNotificationServer = '07e0ebb10916d97760c196034105d010607a6c6b7d72bfa1c3451448ac484a3b';
$notificationData = [
  'bill' => [
    'siteId' => 'test',
    'billId' => 'test_bill',
    'amount' => ['value' => 1, 'currency' => 'RUB'],
    'status' => ['value' => 'PAID']
  'version' => '3'
$merchantSecret = 'test-merchant-secret-for-signature-check';

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
  $validSignatureFromNotificationServer, $notificationData, $merchantSecret
); // true

String merchantSecret = "test-merchant-secret-for-signature-check";
Notification notification = new Notification(
        new Bill(
                new MoneyAmount(
String validSignature = "07e0ebb10916d97760c196034105d010607a6c6b7d72bfa1c3451448ac484a3b";
 BillPaymentsUtils.checkNotificationSignature(validSignature, notification, merchantSecret); //true

String and key of the signature are encoded in UTF-8.

Parameter Description Type
bill Invoice data Object
bill.billId Invoice identifier in the merchant's system String(200)
bill.siteId Merchant's site identifier in QIWI Kassa String
bill.amount The invoice amount data Object
amount.value The invoice amount. The number is rounded down to two decimals Number(6.2)
amount.currency Currency identifier of the invoice (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code) String(3)
bill.status Invoice status data Object
status.value Current invoice status String
status.changedDateTime Status refresh date. Date format:
bill.customFields Additional invoice data provided by the merchant Object
bill.customer Customer data of the invoice subject (if specified in the invoice) Object
customer.phone The customer’s phone (if specified in the invoice) String
customer.email The customer's e-mail (if specified in the invoice) String
customer.account The customer's identifier in the merchant's system (if specified in the invoice) String
bill.comment Comment to the invoice String(255)
bill.creationDateTime System date of the invoice creation. Date format:
bill.payUrl Pay form link String
bill.expirationDateTime Expiration date of the pay form link (invoice payment's due date). Date format:
version Notification service version String

Response →

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


After receiving inbound notification request, you should verify its signature and returns the JSON-response. The processing result code should be returned in response.

3. Checking the Invoice Status

Use this method to get current invoice payment status. We recommend using it after receiving the payment notification.

Request → GET

const billId = '893794793973';

qiwiApi.getBillInfo(billId).then( data => {
    //do smth ith data
curl https://api.qiwi.com/partner/bill/v1/bills/893794793973 \
-X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjIwNDIsImFwaV91c2VyX2lkIjo1NjYwMzk3Miwic2VjcmV0IjoiQjIwODlDNkI5Q0NDNTdCNDQzNGHJK43JFJDK595FJFJMjlCRkFFRDM5OE***********************'

$billId = '893794793973';

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
$response = $billPayments->getBillInfo($billId);


String billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";
 BillResponse response = client.getBillInfo(billId);
var billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";

var response = client.getBillInfo(billId);

Response ←

Successful response body example

    "siteId": "23044",
    "billId": "893794793973",
    "amount": {
      "value": 2.42,
      "currency": "RUB"
    "status": {
      "value": "WAITING",
      "changedDateTime": "2018-02-28T11:43:23.386+03:00"
    "customer": {
      "email": "test@qiwi.com",
      "phone": "79191234567",
      "account": "user_account"
    "customFields": {
      "city": "Moscow"
    "comment": "Text comment",
    "creationDateTime": "2018-02-28T11:43:23.612+03:00",
    "expirationDateTime": "2018-04-14T11:43:23+03:00",
    "payUrl": "https://oplata.qiwi.com/form/?invoice_uid=6848dd49-e260-4343-b258-62199cffe8c1"

Error response body example

	"serviceName": "invoicing",
	"errorCode": "auth.unauthorized",
	"description": "Неверные аутентификационные данные",
	"userMessage": "",
	"datetime": "2018-04-09T18:31:42+03:00",
	"traceId" : ""
Parameter Type Description
billId String Unique invoice identifier in the merchant's system
siteId String Merchant's site identifier in QIWI Kassa
amount Object The invoice amount data
amount.value Number The invoice amount. The number is rounded down to two decimals
amount.currency String Currency identifier of the invoice (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code)
status Object Invoice status data
status.value String Current invoice status
status.changedDateTime String Status refresh date
customFields Object Additional invoice data provided by the merchant
customer Object Customer data of the invoice subject
customer.phone String The customer’s phone (if specified in the invoice)
customer.email String The customer's e-mail (if specified in the invoice)
customer.account String The customer's identifier in the merchant's system (if specified in the invoice)
comment String Comment to the invoice
creationDateTime String System date of the invoice creation. Date format:
payUrl String Pay form URL
expirationDateTime String Expiration date of the pay form link (invoice payment's due date). Date format:

4. Cancelling the Invoice

Use this method to cancel unpaid invoice.

Request → POST

const bill_id = '893794793973';

qiwiApi.cancelBill(billId).then( data => {
    //do smth with data
curl https://api.qiwi.com/partner/bill/v1/bills/893794793973/reject \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjIwNDIsImFwaV91c2VyX2lkIjo1NjYwMzk3Miwic2VjcmV0IjoiQjIwODlDNkI5Q0NDNTdCNDQzNGHJK43JFJDK595FJFJMjlCRkFFRDM5OE***********************'

$billId = '893794793973';

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
$response = $billPayments->cancelBill($billId);


String billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";
 BillResponse response = client.cancelBill(billId);
var billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";

var response = client.cancelBill(billId);

Response ←

Successful response body example

    "siteId": "23044",
    "billId": "893794793973",
    "amount": {
      "value": 2.42,
      "currency": "RUB"
    "status": {
      "value": "REJECTED",
      "datetime": "2018-02-28T11:43:23"
    "customer": {
      "email": "test@qiwi.com",
      "phone": "79191234567",
      "account": "user_account"
    "customFields": {
      "city": "Moscow"
    "comment": "Text comment",
    "creationDateTime": "2018-02-28T11:43:23",
    "expirationDateTime": "2018-04-14T11:43:23",
    "payUrl": "https://oplata.qiwi.com/form/?invoice_uid=6848dd49-e260-4343-b258-62199cffe8c1"

Error response body example

	"serviceName": "invoicing",
	"errorCode": "auth.unauthorized",
	"description": "Неверные аутентификационные данные",
	"userMessage": "",
	"datetime": "2018-04-09T18:31:42+03:00",
	"traceId" : ""
Parameter Type Description
billId String Unique invoice identifier in the merchant's system
siteId String Merchant's site identifier in QIWI Kassa
amount Object The invoice amount data
amount.value Number The invoice amount. The number is rounded down to two decimals
amount.currency String Currency identifier of the invoice (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code)
status Object Invoice status data
status.value String Current invoice status
status.changedDateTime String Status refresh date
customFields Object Additional invoice data provided by the merchant
customer Object Customer data of the invoice subject
customer.phone String The customer’s phone (if specified in the invoice)
customer.email String The customer's e-mail (if specified in the invoice)
customer.account String The customer's identifier in the merchant's system (if specified in the invoice)
comment String Comment to the invoice
creationDateTime String System date of the invoice creation. Date format:
payUrl String Pay form URL
expirationDateTime String Expiration date of the pay form link (invoice payment's due date). Date format:

5. Refund

Method allows you to make a refund for the paid invoice.

Request → PUT

const billId = '893794793973';
const refundId = '899343443';
const amount = 12;
const currency = 'RUB'

qiwiApi.refund(billId, refundId, amount, currency).then( data => {
    //do smth with data

curl https://api.qiwi.com/partner/bill/v1/bills/893794793973/refunds/899343443 \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjIwNDIsImFwaV91c2VyX2lkIjo1NjYwMzk3Miwic2VjcmV0IjoiQjIwODlDNkI5Q0NDNTdCNDQzNGHJK43JFJDK595FJFJMjlCRkFFRDM5OE***********************'
-d '{
    "amount": {
    "currency": "RUB",
    "value": 1

$billId = '893794793973';
$refundId = '899343443';
$amount = 12;
$currency = 'RUB';

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
$response = $billPayments->refund($billId, $refundId, $amount, $currency);

String billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";
String refundId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
MoneyAmount amount = new MoneyAmount(
 RefundResponse refundResponse = client.refundBill(paidBillId, refundId, amount);
var billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";
var refundId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var amount = new MoneyAmount
    ValueDecimal = 104.9m,
    CurrencyEnum = CurrencyEnum.Rub

var refundResponse = client.refundBill(paidBillId, refundId, amount);

Response ←

Successful response body example

    "amount": {
      "value": 50.50,
      "currency": "RUB"
    "datetime": "2018-03-01T16:06:57+03",
    "refundId": "1",
    "status": "PARTIAL"

Error response body example

	"serviceName": "invoicing",
	"errorCode": "refund.incorrect.amount",
	"description": "Неверная сумма возврата",
	"userMessage": "Неверная сумма возврата",
	"datetime": "2005-08-09T18:31:42+03:00",
	"traceId" : ""
Parameter Type Description
datetime String When response with error: request processing system date
refundId String Unique refund identifier given by the merchant
amount.value Number The invoice amount. The number is rounded down to two decimals
amount.currency String Currency identifier of the invoice (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code)
status String Refund status
datetime String System date of refund processing. Date format:

6. Refund Status

Method returns current status of the refund .

Request → GET

const billId = '893794793973';
const refundId = '899343443';

qiwiApi.getRefundInfo(billId, refundId).then( data => {
    //do smth with data
curl https://api.qiwi.com/partner/bill/v1/bills/893794793973/refund/899343443 \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjIwNDIsImFwaV91c2VyX2lkIjo1NjYwMzk3Miwic2VjcmV0IjoiQjIwODlDNkI5Q0NDNTdCNDQzNGHJK43JFJDK595FJFJMjlCRkFFRDM5OE***********************'

$billId = '893794793973';
$refundId = '899343443';

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
$response = $billPayments->getRefundInfo($billId, $refundId);


String billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";
String refundId = '3444e8ca-cf68-4dbd-92ee-f68c4bf8f29b';
 RefundResponse response = client.getRefundInfo(paidBillId, refundId);
var billId = "fcb40a23-6733-4cf3-bacf-8e425fd1fc71";
var refundId = "3444e8ca-cf68-4dbd-92ee-f68c4bf8f29b";

var response = client.getRefundInfo(paidBillId, refundId);

Response ←

Successful response body example

    "amount": {
      "value": 50.50,
      "currency": "RUB"
    "datetime": "2018-03-01T16:06:57+03",
    "refundId": "1",
    "status": "PARTIAL"

Error response body example

	"serviceName": "invoicing",
	"errorCode": "refund.incorrect.amount",
	"description": "Неверная сумма возврата",
	"userMessage": "Неверная сумма возврата",
	"datetime": "2005-08-09T18:31:42+03:00",
	"traceId" : ""
Parameter Type Description
datetime String When response with error: request processing system date
refundId String Unique refund identifier given by the merchant
amount.value Number The invoice amount. The number is rounded down to two decimals
amount.currency String Currency identifier of the invoice (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code)
status String Refund status
datetime String System date of refund processing. Date format:

Invoice Payment Statuses

Status Description Final
WAITING Invoice issued awaiting for payment -
PAID Invoice paid +
REJECTED Invoice rejected by customer +
EXPIRED Invoice expired. Invoice not paid +

Refund Statuses

Status Description Final
PARTIAL Partial refund of the invoice amount -
FULL Full refund of the invoice amount +

Additional features

Invoice Issue on Payment Form

It is the simplest way of integration. On opening Payment Form, client receives an invoice at the same time. The invoice data sends in URL explicitly. Client gets a Payment Form web page with multiple payment means. When using this method, one cannot be sure that all invoices are issued by the merchant. API invoice creation mitigates this risk.


const QiwiBillPaymentsAPI = require('bill-payments-node-js-sdk');

const SECRET_KEY = 'eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjUyNjgxMiwiYXBpX3VzZXJfaWQiOjcxNjI2MTk3LCJzZWNyZXQiOiJmZjBiZmJiM2UxYzc0MjY3YjIyZDIzOGYzMDBkNDhlYjhiNTnONPININONPN090MTg5Z**********************';

const qiwiApi = new QiwiBillPaymentsAPI(SECRET_KEY);
--header "Authorization: Bearer MjMyNDQxMjM6NDUzRmRnZDQ0M*******"

$publicKey = '2tbp1WQvsgQeziGY9vTLe9vDZNg7tmCymb4Lh6STQokqKrpCC6qrUUKEDZAJ7mvFnzr1yTebUiQaBLDnebLMMxL8nc6FF5zf******';
$params = [
  'publicKey' => $publicKey,
  'amount' => 200,
  'billId' => '893794793973'

/** @var \Qiwi\Api\BillPayments $billPayments */
$link = $billPayments->createPaymentForm($params);

echo $link;

String publicKey = "2tbp1WQvsgQeziGY9vTLe9vDZNg7tmCymb4Lh6STQokqKrpCC6qrUUKEDZAJ7mvFnzr1yTebUiQaBLDnebLMMxL8nc6FF5zfmGQnypdXCbQJqHEJW5RJmKfj8nvgc";
 MoneyAmount amount = new MoneyAmount(
String billId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String paymentUrl = client.createPaymentForm(new PaymentInfo(key, amount, billId, ""));
var publicKey = "2tbp1WQvsgQeziGY9vTLe9vDZNg7tmCymb4Lh6STQokqKrpCC6qrUUKEDZAJ7mvFnzr1yTebUiQaBLDnebLMMxL8nc6FF5zfmGQnypdXCbQJqHEJW5RJmKfj8nvgc";

var amount = new MoneyAmount
    ValueDecimal = 499.9m,
    CurrencyEnum = CurrencyEnum.Rub
var billId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

var paymentUrl = client.createPaymentForm(new PaymentInfo(key, amount, billId, ""));
const publicKey = 'Fnzr1yTebUiQaBLDnebLMMxL8nc6FF5zfmGQnypc*******';

const params = {
    amount: 42.24,
    billId: '893794793973',
    email: 'm@ya.ru'

const link = qiwiApi.createPaymentForm(params);
curl https://oplata.qiwi.com/create?publicKey=Fnzr1yTebUiQaBLDnebLMMxL8nc6FF5zfmGQnypc*******&amount=100&billId=893794793973&email=m@ya.ru
Parameter Description Type Required
publicKey Merchant public key received in QIWI Kassa String +
billId Unique invoice identifier given by the merchant URL-encoded, String(200) -
amount Amount of the invoice rounded down on two decimals Number(6.2) -
phone Phone number of the client to which the invoice is issuing (international format) URL-encoded string -
email E-mail of the client where the invoice payment link will be sent URL-encoded string -
account Client identifier URL-encoded string -
comment Invoice commentary URL-encoded, String(255) -
customFields[] Additional invoice data URL-encoded, String(255) -
lifetime Expiration date of the pay form link (invoice payment due date). If the invoice is not paid after that date, the invoice assigns EXPIRED final status and it becomes void.
Important! Invoice will be automatically expired when 45 days is passed after the invoicing date
URL-encoded string


Personalization allows you to create a payment form with your style, customizable logo, background and color of the buttons.

You can create styles in your account on kassa.qiwi.com. It is possible to create several styles.

When setting up, you create a code linked to the style (for example, codeStyle). To use style on the Payment Form, you must pass the variable: "themeCode": "codeStyle" with respective code of the style in the customFields parameter of the invoice request or opening Payment Form URL.

Invoice Issue on Payment Form

curl https://oplata.qiwi.com/create?publicKey=Fnzr1yTebUiQaBLDnebLMMxL8nc6FF5zfmGQnypc*******&amount=100&billId=893794793973&customFields%5BthemeCode%5D=codeStyle

Invoice Issue by API

curl https://api.qiwi.com/partner/bill/v1/bills/893794793973 \
-X PUT \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoicmVzdF92MyIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOjIwNDIsImFwaV91c2VyX2lkIjo1NjYwMzk3Miwic2VjcmV0IjoiQjIwODlDNkI5Q0NDNTdCNDQzNGHJK43JFJDK595FJFJMjlCRkFFRDM5OE***********************' \
-d '{ \
   "amount": {   \
     "currency": "RUB",  \
     "value": 100.00 \
   }, \
   "comment": "Text comment", \
   "expirationDateTime": "2018-04-13T14:30:00+03:00", \
   "customer": {}, \
   "customFields": {"themeCode":"codeStyle"} \

Customer form

Download QIWI Checkout Popup


The library has two methods: create a new invoice and open an existing one.

Create new invoice

Call function QiwiCheckout.createInvoice

Parameter Description Type Required
publicKey Merchant public key received in QIWI Kassa String +
amount Amount of the invoice rounded down on two decimals Number(6.2) +
phone Phone number of the client to which the invoice is issuing (international format) String -
email E-mail of the client where the invoice payment link will be sent String -
account Client identifier in merchant’s system String -
comment Invoice commentary String(255) -
customFields Additional invoice data Object -
lifetime Expiration date of the pay form link (invoice payment’s due date). If the invoice is not paid after that date, the invoice assigns EXPIRED final status and it becomes void.
Important! Invoice will be automatically expired when 45 days is passed after the invoicing date
URL-encoded string YYYY-MM-DDThhmm -

Create new invoice

params = {
    publicKey: '5nAq6abtyCz4tcDj89e5w7Y5i524LAFmzrsN6bQTQ3c******',
    amount: 1.23,

    phone: '79123456789',
    email: 'test@test.com',
    account: 'acc789',
    comment: 'Оплата',
    customFields: {
        data: 'data'
    lifetime: '2019-04-04T1540'

    .then(data => {
        // ...
    .catch(error => {
        // ...

Open an existing invoice

Call function QiwiCheckout.openInvoice

Parameter Description Type Required
payUrl Pay form URL String +

Open an existing one

params = {
    payUrl: 'https://oplata.qiwi.com/form?invoiceUid=06df838c-0f86-4be3-aced-a950c244b5b1'

    .then(data => {
        // ...
    .catch(error => {
        // ...

Invoice opening options

Invoice URL example

curl https://oplata.qiwi.com/form?invoiceUid=606a5f75-4f8e-4ce2-b400-967179502275&allowedPaySources=card

You can add parameters to URL from payUrl field of the response to invoice request.

Parameter Description Type
paySource Pre-selected payment method for the client on Payment Form. Possible values:
qw - QIWI Wallet
card - card payment
mobile - mobile account payment
sovest - Sovest card payment
When specified method is inaccessible, the page automatically selects recommended method for the user.
allowedPaySources Allow only these payment methods for the client on Payment Form. Possible values:
qw - QIWI Wallet
card - card payment
mobile - mobile account payment
sovest - Sovest card payment
comma separated string
lifetime Expiration date of the pay form link (invoice payment’s due date). If the invoice is not paid after that date, the invoice assigns EXPIRED final status and it becomes void. Important! Invoice will be automatically expired when 45 days is passed after the invoicing date String


SDK and Libraries

CMS Solutions

Design recommendation

Design guideline

This guideline helps to reduce the time it takes customers to go from checkout to payment form.


Download logo

Download payment methods' icons